
To add the logger submodule to your directory, use the command git submodule update --init --recursive to install it In order to update the logger, run the command git submodule update --remote to get the latest version. Additionally, you can pull the reposity itself from https://github.com/EricKnudsen256/RabbitLogger if that is more convinient for you.

When using this logger, make sure to add 'require_once()' the file. In order to use the logger, create a new instance, and input the name of the machine to log for. The logger will automatically use the default name of the host machine returned by gethostname(). All logs will be stored in /var/log/490Logger/<machine_name>.log

You must create a new logger using $logger = new rabbitLogger(); To create a log, use $logger->log_local($reportLevel, $mssg) to log onto the local machine, or $logger->log_rabbit($reportLevel, $mssg) to log on every machine

In order to recieve logs from all machines, run: bash setupListener.bash and it will automatically set up the log listener to start whenever the machine starts

I suggest we use standardized our warning levels, so if we want to grep through the files it will be easier, I reccomend: Debug: Use this one when specifically writing code for debugs Info: Use for noncritical information that might be useful Warning: Use for info that could be a problem Error: Use for critical problems that will likely break systems Try to keep these error levels with the first letter capitalized