
fall-2021-13500-lab-07-RBT0101 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC++

Fall 2021 - Lab 07

Last name: Lin

First name: Zhipeng

GitHub username: RBT0101


General instructions:

Specific instructions for lab 07

For this lab, it is up to you how to structure and write everything and as such this repo starts mostly empty. It includes doctest.h in case you plan to use it for testing but for this lab doctest.h based tests are not required.

Even though you will decide on what and how to implement your solution, the lab must include the following:

  1. There must be a Makefile that has at least the following targets:
    1. main to build an executable named main.
    2. clean which will get rid of .o files.
    3. If you are using doctest.h you should have a tests target but if you do not, you don’t need this target.
  2. You must include at least one poorly formatted C++ file to test your program on in the repository.
  3. Do not add/commit/push the “fixed” file that your program produces.
  4. If I need to know anything, please write it in the Notes: section above.