
PolyPaint, a collaborative paint app on Windows 10 and iOS

Primary LanguageC#


PolyPaintPro is a multi-platform application that enables users to collaboratively create, edit, and save images via a desktop client for Windows 10, an iPad application, and a web browser.

Master Develop
CI Status CircleCI CircleCI
Code coverage N/A N/A
Deployed server http://ec2-34-200-247-233.compute-1.amazonaws.com/ N/A
Windows Windows Windows

Target Devices

iOS Windows
iPad Mini 4 Any PC with Windows 10

Technology Stack

Swift Swift Swift
CSharp C# CSharp
Angular Angular Angular
NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Redis Redis Redis
Docker Docker Docker
AWS Amazon Web Services

Getting Started

Quick Start

iOS Client

Requires XCode:

XCode version

git clone https://github.com/EricLiCA/log3900-04.git
cd log3900-04/poly-paint-ios # iOS directory
sudo gem install cocoapods # if you already have cocoapods skip
pod install # install dependencies
open poly-paint-ios.xcworkspace/ # opens project in XCode


Select iPad Pro (9.7 inch) as target, and click the play button to run the simulator.


iPad Mini 4

Select your iPad as target (e.g. Eric Sida Li's iPad), and click the play button to install the app on the device.


If this is the first time running the app, you will have to grant it permissions on the iPad. Go to General -> Device Management:


Tap on your developer account:


Verify the app:


Windows Client

Requires Visual Studio (install here):

Visual Studio version

git clone https://github.com/EricLiCA/log3900-04.git
cd log3900-04/windows-client # windows client directory
start PolyPaint.sln # open project in Visual Studio

Click the play button to run the app.





We use GitHub as the main remote git server for development, taking advantage of the pull request UI. We use the school's git server to submit our work for grading.

To set this up:

git clone https://githost.gi.polymtl.ca/git/log3900-04
cd log3990-04/ # go into cloned repository
git remote add github https://github.com/EricLiCA/log3900-04.git # add GitHub as a remote repository
git push origin # you now have the option to push to origin or github
git push github


We use the branch system. We have:

  • a master branch that is always production ready.
  • a development branch that contains the latest merged features.
  • release branches to support the preparation of a new release.
  • feature branches that contain features that are still in progress.
  • hotfix branches

We identify which features we want included in the next release. Those features are developed in feature branches, which are then merged into develop. Once all the features we've identified for the next release are merged into develop, we create a new release branch from the develop branch.

If you're working on a feature that isn't included in the current release, don't merge it into the develop branch; keep pulling from develop into your feature branch.

The release branch is for working on small bug-fixes or other minor changes to prepare the application to be production ready.

Once the release branch is production ready, we merge it into the master branch, and tag it with a version number. We also merge the release branch into the develop branch so that future versions contain the bug fixes and minor changes.

The hotfix branches branch off master, and are for fixing critical bugs found in production. Once the hotfix is finished, it is merged into the master and develop branches.


We use GitHub's pull request system to merge a branch.


Database Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables for access to the databases:


PG_HOST # example: localhost
PG_PORT # example: 5432

Redis Local Instance

Make sure a Redis instance is running on localhost:6739 when developing. To get one running quickly:


brew install redis



Update the DDL file databases/postgresql/postgres-ddl.sql when you want to change the database schema. In DataGrip, you can edit your columns, and then generate the DDL files by right-clicking on tables, then selecting SQL Scripts -> Generate DDL to Console, and then copy-paste it in the DDL file in the repository, and commit your changes.




To deploy on AWS, make sure the awscli is configured, then run the Makefile command:

make deploy

Then go to (AWS Elastic Container Service)/Clusters/<cluster-to-deploy-on>/Tasks on your browser and stop the previous task. Then start a new one with the latest Docker image.
