This project is part of the Microverse curriculum in Ruby On Rails course!
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This is a blog style application which lets users sign up and add posts related to their account.
- About the Project
- Application Instructions
- System Requierments
- Dependencies
- Configuration
- Development
- Built With
- Contributors
- Acknowledgements
The project creates a database which holds 2 tables:
- Users
- Fields : name, email, encrypted_password, created_at, update_at, is_admin, is_member
- Posts
- Fields: title, body, user_id,created_at, update_a
Constrainsts for tables are as follows:
Users Table
- username: required
- email: required
- password: required
Posts Table
- title: minimum length 3
- body: minimum length 6
We added our styling choices editing the application.scss file
- Initially the application shows all the posts stored in the database, but users can not add new posts and can not see the author of them
- New users must sign up and give a name, an email address and a password
- Using email and password they can log in
- A user has to log in in order to be able to add new posts.
- The first user which signs up is asigned an Administrator status property, so has access to other users properties by a provided menu option (Members List).
- An administrator can asign Administrative and Membership statuses to other users.
- Each user has to be asigned a Member status property by an administrator user, in order to see the author of each post.
- Ruby
- Rails
- Yarn
- devise gem
- better_errors gem
- first, clone the project Run
git clone
- Install the necessary dependancies Run
bundle install
yarn install
- Clone the project
This project was built using these technologies.
- Ruby version 2.6
- Ruby On Rails version 6.0
- devise 4.7.1
👤 Author_1
- Github: @ericmbouwe
- Twitter: @ericmbouwe
- Linkedin: Eric Mbouwe
- E-mail:
👤 Author_2
- Github: @ioanniskousis
- Twitter: @ioanniskousis
- Linkedin: Ioannis Kousis
- E-mail: