
Installs openshift v3 using the official redhat ansible playbook (and ansible)

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

openshiftinstaller class for Puppet


This class will use ansible to install openshift v3 clusters in a network (using the official RedHat openshift installer playbook). The puppet db must run on the same host (localhost), currently.


For using this class you must have ...

  • a central node which functions as ansible master
  • several nodes which should be openshift masters or minions
    • the designated openshift nodes must have two facts configured:
      • one fact to indicate which role they have (OS master or minion)
      • another fact to incdicate the cluster they belong to (a simple name is all right)

Hiera keys

If you want to set properties in the inventory files, you can do so for all clusters (using openshiftinstaller::invfile_properties hash), or cluster-specific using a hiera entry:

  this_sets: properties for only the inventory file for for the cluster 'CLUSTER_NAME'

Properties set through openshiftinstaller::properties are always applied to any cluster inventory file (they are merged with cluster specific property settings using the merge() function from stdlib).


Let's assume the PuppetDB is running on host central. The hosts os11, os12, os01, os02 are designated openshift nodes, where os1x and os0x should have the same cluster.

All four openshift hosts have the facts role and openshift_cluster_name configured. role is either openshift-master or openshift-minion.

Given that you would call the module like this:

# these are also by pure chance the default values ;)

class { 'openshiftinstaller':
    query_fact          => 'role',
    master_value        => 'openshift-master',
    minion_value        => 'openshift-minion',
    cluster_name_fact   => 'openshift_cluster_name',

    # the only REQUIRED parameter so far
    registry_url        => 'some://url',

It would then ...

  • query all nodes and their $query_fact (role in this case) and $cluster_name_fact (openshift_cluster_name in this case) using the puppetdb
  • screen the role fact for the given master- and minion values
  • sort the remaining hosts using the openshift_cluster_name fact
  • create an ansible inventory file under /etc/ansible/openshift_inventories
  • clone the ansible installation playbook to /etc/ansible/openshift_playbook
  • execute the ansible installation playbook one time for each cluster with the cluster's inventory file

... or in short:

  • create /etc/ansible/openshift_inventories/cluster_<CLUSTERNAME>, containing all nodes which have $ openshift_cluster_name == <CLUSTERNAME> (sorted into the [masters] and [nodes] depending on the value of $role)
  • execute ansible with each inventory file

Good to know

  • The ansible playbook is checked out only once. Updates have to be done manually.
  • We do not allow for different cluster configurations. It's a one-config-for-all situation. That will probably change in the future.
  • The module will only run ansible for clusters for which a master is found (the cluster inventory file is always created nonetheless).
  • The module will try to create the cluster until ansible ran through successfully one time
  • The module will install a dynamic fact called osi_puppetb_running, which can be yes or no. If it is anything other than yes the installer will not run.
    • The fact is currently checking the puppetdb on http://localhost:8080/v3, which is the reason that the PuppetDB must run on the same host. This will most probably be changed in the near future.

Internal mechanisms

The installer will work under /etc/ansible (default value, taken directly out of the ansible module), more precisely in the directories /etc/ansible/openshift_playbook and /etc/ansible/openshift_inventories.

The first is the target directory for the checked-out ansible playbook from github.

The second is the place for the inventory files.

Cluster installation is triggered in two cases:

  1. puppet detects a change of the cluster's inventory file (/etc/ansible/openshift_inventory/cluster_<CLUSTERNAME> by default)
  2. the "successful installation" check file is not present (/etc/ansible/openshift_inventory/cluster_<CLUSTERNAME>_success)

The "successful installation" check file is created if an ansible run for a cluster was successful, and is also automatically deleted on any change of the cluster's inventory file.


  • nvogel/ansible
  • dalen/puppetdbquery
  • puppetlabs/stdlib