
An aid to create functions for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

Primary LanguageTypeScript


SimpliFunction is a cool and epic solution for writing calculations in Excel without needing to know the stupid Visual Basic syntax.

What's changed since the last report

  • I added support for more excel functions, including the more popular ones.
  • What you're supposed to copy is more obvious. The output is highlighted temporarily so that it's visible. There is also now a copy button next to the output
  • The website is now much faster, with respect to generating output and also typing/backspacing in the input field
  • It's more obvious how to clear the input because I added an X button in the field
  • Input validation for like half of the functions is broken at the moment
  • visual changes




  • assets/ directory

    • any icons and images
  • buttons/

    • This contains components for the buttons on the website. They contain the logic to when clicked spawn the correct dialog and pass props to it

    • BasicButtons.tsx

      • Buttons for the 4 basic functions and parentheses.
      • On mobile, it adds buttons for the 10 digits, a backspace, and a decimal point
    • FunctionButtonsWrapper.tsx

      • Contains the search bar and filters functions to pass to FunctionButtons
      • Will render the accordion if it's on mobile.
    • FunctionButtonsAccordion.tsx

      • Puts the content from FunctionButtonsWrapper into an accordion for mobile
    • FunctionButtons.tsx

      • This contains the grid to display the individual buttons
    • FunctionButton.tsx

      • This is a general button, and more specific button components will be a wrapper around this component
  • util/

    • parser.ts
      • parses the user input and creates valid Visual Basic for Applications code
    • validator.ts
      • The forms components use this file to validate the fields
  • functions.ts

    • This is the data for all the functions. It's a list where each entry contains the data for an excel function including, but not limited to the following data
      • common name
      • parameters
      • data types
      • documentation link
  • MyDialog.tsx

    • This is the website's dialog. A form can be passed into it
  • UserInput.tsx

    • This is the input text field at the top of the website
  • Calculator.tsx

    • The starting point of the website
  • commonTypes.ts

    • Common types that are reused

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