
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gitpod Ready-to-Code


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  • npm install
  • npm start

Project Description

In this unit, coders will create a jeopardy game using react. To create this project, coders will use react to take render content, and react to user clicks. Follow the steps below! Make sure to check off your items as you complete them. [ ] => [x]

Day 1


  • Go to the repository at
  • Fork this repository to your github account and clone it to a new workspace
  • Add, commit, and push your changes


  • Create a component called Question
  • Call the question component in App.js and have it display some text
  • Update your images and styling with CSS


  • Push your changes!

Day 2

  • Call multiple Question components in your app
  • Add props to each Question component including
  • questionText
  • answer
  • pointValue
  • Display your props in the Question Component
  • Use any extra time to style your comonents


  • Push your changes!

Day 3

  • Add click function to your component
  • When a user clicks on a question you should alert the question.
  • Use any additional time to style your component


  • Push your changes!

Day 4

  • Add state to your Question Components
  • When you click on the question update the message text for each question on the screen
  • First display the point value, then the question, then the answer, than nothing.


  • Push your changes!