
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playlist Project

Gitpod Preview in Browser: python3 -m http.server 3000


In this unit, coders will create the classic game of tic tac toe in their browser! The user will input moves as player X or O on a tic tac toe board. When a player wins, the game will end and a message will display the winner.

Day 1


  • Complete the project planning document.


  • Go to the repository
  • Fork this repository to your github account and clone to a new workspace
  • Add, commit, and push your changes
  • Make your site live on gh-pages
  • Submit your website using the link on the Agenda


  • Create a div to display your songs
  • Create an array to store your song names
  • Create a loop to display your song names
  • Repeat these steps for song artist, song length, image, and link


  • Push your changes!

Day 2


  • Add song information to your list using .push()
  • Create a working click handler that retrieves user input, pushes new items to your song arrays, and displays the result to the screen


  • Push your changes!

Day 3


  • Comment out your code that refers to arrays
  • Create Objects in your playlist project that hold all your song information
  • Combine all your Objects into one array


  • Push your changes!

Day 4


  • Update your .push() method based on your new array of Objects
  • Update your loop based on your new array of Objects
  • Finish refactoring your playlist project


  • Push your changes!

Project Extensions:

  • Add in your own CSS to personalize your project
  • Use .length to display how many songs are on your list
  • Add a delete button to delete songs on your list
  • Refactor your project further by utilizing functions to simplify your code
  • Add a shuffle button and functionality
  • Use local storage to save your songs locally
