
Extracts data from Microsoft VSTS/DevOps and loads into Neo4j for graph based analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VSTS to Neo4J

Extracts data from VSTS then saves the data in Neo4j with helpful relationships.


Do not check in your config file. The .gitignore file is set to ignore .cfg files.

Getting Started

Install Neo4J

Download and install Neo4J

Install apoc into Neo4J. (Download and the apoc jar file in the plugins folder of Neo4J. If the plugins folder does not exist, just create it in the root of your database folder eg: logs, plugins, schema)

Make default.cfg

In the code folder, rename the example_cfg.txt file to default.cfg and change the values.


pip install py2neo

Run the Scripts

  python ProjectsTeamsUsers.py
  python Repositories.py
  python PullRequests.py
  python Comments.py
  python WorkItems.py
  python WorkItemLinks.py
  python PostProcessingCmds.py

Few Queries

Note: Must run the post processing commands first to create the CreatedTimestamp fields.

Note: 1514764800000 is Jan 1st 2018

Total Count of Pull Requests Created this year

  MATCH (n:PullRequest)
  WHERE n.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN count(n)

Total Count of Pull Requests by Project since 2018

  MATCH (n:PullRequest)-[r1]-(repo:Repository)-[r2]-(p:Project{Name:'Oystertoad'})
  WHERE n.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN count(n)

List of developers accociated with a pull request since 2018 (by project)

  MATCH (d:Person)-[r3]-(n:PullRequest)-[r1]-(repo:Repository)-[r2]-(p:Project{Name:'Oystertoad'})
  WHERE n.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN distinct d.Name

List of developers who created a pull request since 2018 (by project)

  MATCH (d:Person)-[r3:CREATED_BY]-(n:PullRequest)-[r1]-(repo:Repository)-[r2]-(p:Project{Name:'Oystertoad'})
  WHERE n.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN distinct d.Name

List of developers who created a pull request since 2018 (all projects)

  Match (dev:Developer)
  Optional Match(dev)-[:CREATED_BY]-(pr:PullRequest)-[]-(r:Repository)-[]-(t:Project)
  WHERE pr.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN count(pr) as pullRequestsCreated, dev.Name, t.Name as ProjectName
  order by dev.Name, pullRequestsCreated

List of developers who reviewed pull requests since 2018 (by project)

  MATCH (d:Person)-[r3:REVIEWED_BY]-(n:PullRequest)-[r1]-(repo:Repository)-[r2]-(p:Project{Name:'Oystertoad'})
  WHERE n.CreatedTimestamp > 1514764800000
  RETURN distinct d.Name

Count of Comments by User for the past 365 days

  WITH apoc.date.add(timestamp(),"ms", -365, 'd') as PastDate
  Match (u:Person)
  Optional Match (u)-[:AUTHOR]-(c:Comment)
  WHERE c.PublishedTimestamp >= PastDate
  RETURN count(c) as numberOfComments, u.Name as CodeReviewer
  ORDER BY numberOfComments

Dump all comments made over the past year

  WITH apoc.date.add(timestamp(),"ms", -365, 'd') as PastDate
  Match (u:Developer)
  Optional Match (u)-[:AUTHOR]-(c:Comment)
  WHERE c.PublishedTimestamp >= PastDate
  RETURN u.Name as CodeReviewer, c.Id, c.Content, c.PublishedTimestamp as PTimestamp