
NYU Probabilistic time series analysis Fall: 2020

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


DS-GA 3001.001 Probabilistic Time Series Analysis


Tue, 2:00-3:40pm, Room: 19 West 4th St, Rm 101 (capacity = 40) Instruction Mode: Blended 

Lab (required for all students)

3001.018: Wednesday from 9am-9:50am Instruction Mode: Online

3001.002:Wednesday from 3:30pm-4:20pm Room: 60FA_150 (capacity = 17)  Instruction Mode: Blended 


Cristina Savin, csavin@nyu.edu

Office hours: TBD (Online)


Ashwin Siripurapu (in-person for section 002 - blended), ars991@nyu.edu

Jiyuan Lu (remote for section 002 - blended), jl11046@nyu.edu

Colin Bredenberg (remote for section 018), cjb617@nyu.edu

Yiqiu (Artie) Shen, (grader) ys1001@nyu.edu

Office hours: TBD (Online)


This graduate level course presents fundamental tools for characterizing data with statistical dependencies over time, and using this knowledge for predicting future outcomes. These methods have broad applications from econometrics to neuroscience.The course emphasizes generative models for time series, and inference and learning in such models. We will cover range of approaches including Kalman Filter, HMMs, AR(I)MA, Gaussian Processes, and their application to several kinds of data.

Note: information presented is tentative, syllabus may be subject to change as course progresses.


problem sets (25%) + midterm exam (20%) + final project (25%) + lab(20%)+participation(10%)

Participation: piazza, engagement during lectures, labs, and office hours


We will use Piazza for announcements, and discussions about the course. Interactions on Piazza, particularly good answers to other students' questions, will count toward the participation grade.


Work in groups of 2-3 students.* Topics are flexible, including applying know algorithms to an interesting dataset, reviewing and implementing a state of the art solution, to improving an existing algorithm. Project proposals due in week 4.

*Check with CS if you are considering working individually or in a larger group.

Online recordings

Lecture videos will be posted to NYU Classes. Class attendance is still required.

Schedule and detailed syllabus

Date Lecture Assignments
Sept. 2 No lab
Sept. 8 Lecture 1: Logistics. Introduction. Basic statistics for characterizing time series.
Sept. 9 No lab. Recap basic Bayes, graphical models as prerecorded video (classes meet on Mo schedule)]
Sept. 15 Lecture 2: AR basic inference and learning
Sept. 16 Lab 1: AR
Sept. 22 Lecture 3: ARIMA models
Sept. 23 Lab 2: ARIMA
Sept. 29 Lecture 4: LDS, Kalman filtering
Sept. 30 Lab 3: Inference in LDS
Oct. 6 Lecture 5: Particle filtering
Oct. 7 Lab 4: LSD parameter learning
Oct. 13 Lecture 6: Hidden Markov Models Project proposal due
Oct. 14 Lab 5: Particle filtering
Oct.20 Lecture 7: a unified view of linear models
Oct.21 Lab 6: HMMs
Oct.27 Mid-term exam
Oct.28 No lab
Nov.3 Lecture 8: Intro to GPs
Nov.4 Lab 7: GP regression
Nov. 10 Lecture 9: GP advanced topics (guest lecturer: A.Wilson)
Nov. 11 no lab, work on projects
Nov.17 Lecture 10. Deep learning for time series
Nov.18 Lab 8: RNNS
Nov.24 Lecture 11: Deep learning 1
Nov. 25 no lab, work on projects
Nov. 25 Spectral methods 2
Dec. 1 Lecture 12: Spectral methods
Dec. 4 Lab 9: Spectral methods
Dec. 8 Final projects presentation Project reports due Dec.15
Dec. 9 No lab


There is no required textbook. Assigned readings will come from freely-available online material.

Core materials

  • Time series analysis and its applications, by Shumway and Stoffer, 4th edition
  • Pattern recognition and machine learning, Bishop
  • Gaussian processes Rassmussen & Williams

Useful extras

Academic honesty

We expect you to try solving each problem set on your own. However, if stuck you should discuss things with other students in the class, subject to the following rules:

  • Brainstorming and verbally discussing the problem with other colleagues ok, going together through possible solutions, but should not involve one student telling another a complete solution.
  • Once you solve the homework, you must write up your solutions on your own.
  • You must write down the names of any person with whom you discussed it. This will not affect your grade.
  • Do not consult other people's solutions from similar courses.
  • Credit should be explicitly given for any code you use that you did not write yourself.
  • Violations result in a zero score on that assignment, and a notice to the DGS.

Late submission

Penalties: 20% points off assignment for each extra day of delay.