
Instructions of latest version

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Dear @EricVoll

first of all, thank you very much for doing all the work, bringing the code up to date. When I wanted to integrate your new version into my project I noticed a few little things in the instructions (Step 2, Option 2):

  • It says "Configure RosSharpClientUWP.dll instead of RosBridgeClientUWP.dll
  • It says "Configure RosSharpClient.dll" instead of RosBridgeClient.dll
  • It says "Configure the NewtonSoft.dll ..." although this file does not exist. Do you mean NewtonSoft.Json.Bson.dll?

Even if the first two points are insignificant and result from the context, the last point is irritating and leaves one in doubt whether one is doing everything correctly. Especially because afterwards you emphasize again that "it is important to keep the NewtonSoft.dll in the RosSharp/Plugins folder".


Hi @dnlwbr

You are totally right! I'll fix that asap.
I haven't updated the readme with the newest version of the library... The demo-project is configured correctly though an should work out of the box (at least on a freshly cloned version and clean build it does in my case)


Hi @dnlwbr
I updated the ReadMe and fixed the issues you mentioned. Could you check if the instructions are now more clear to you?

Hi @EricVoll
thanks for updating the documentation. Unfortunately the mentioned file "External/NewtonSoft.Json.dll" still does not exist.
Neither in the RosSharp folder nor in the Demo Project. I think you have deleted that file in 26f7c52
Apart from that, I think the rest is clearer now.

oh true - I forgot that this one was deleted. In an earlier version it had to be there, but with the newer version this is not the case anymore. I fixed it.
Feel free to close the issue if your problems are solved

Okay, I get it. Thank you very much.