
iOS Safari extension for forwarding away from AMP websites

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS Safari extension for bypassing AMP websites

AMP has been a thorn in my butt for several years now.

Like many others, I eventually bailed from Google on my iPhone and switched to Duck-Duck-Go. The problem is, while DDG is pretty good for computer searches (technical documentation and discussions, work crap), it’s awful for mobile searches (highly local searches, restaurant and entertainment, etc.). I have been itching for Safari Extensions support on iOS for years now, and when I heard that it was finally here, dove in —

… and got beat to the market by https://overamped.app. Which in turn was beat to market by https://amplosion.app. Derp.

Screen Shot 2021-10-06 at 1 00 15 PM

(For the record, I think my app has the best name.)

Anyway: I had a bit of fun writing this. The design is inspired by Tab Cola (the phrase “it’s the real thing” was ping-ponging in my head, and Tab soda was on my mind… just silliness really). I had some fun playing with inertial special effects — look closely at the "shine" on the background, it rolls in your hand like a soda can.

I am open-sourcing this mostly because the documentation for Web Extensions is not great, so I thought it would be nice to have a working app out there that folks could hack around with. Really looking forward to some maniac changing the name and uploading to the App Store 9_9. Maybe someday I’ll turn this into a proper Extension tutorial…?

xoxo Sept 2021 @Eric_WVGG