This project modified the ClemsonThesis project made by Andrew R. Dalton in order to customize and create the UniThesis.cls class in LaTeX as a template for undergraduate tesis at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.
This project include:
UniThesis.cls: This file has the main code of UniThesis template, it automatically creates the fontmatter and defines the features of a thesis document at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. You do not need to manipulate this file. You can all this class in a .tex file with:
ec_dedication.tex, ec_acknowledgments.tex, ec_abstract.tex, ec0_introduction.tex, ec1_planteamiento.tex, ..., ec6_conclusion.tex: These files contain the body of your thesis, you must modify these files based on your thesis.
BibThesis.bib: This file contain your bibliography, you can obtain it through a bibliography manager software such as mendeley, zotero, etc.
MyThesis.tex: This file join all the .tex files in order to create MyThesis.pdf, which is your final thesis document. In this file, you must update your personal information and run it with some LaTeX software such as TexStudio and so on.
Although I do not try to make a manual to write a thesis, I made some tips, mainly, in the Introduction and Statement of the Problem. Some of these tips were taken from:
[1] Hans F. et all.(2006). How to Write a Succesful Science Thesis, The Concise Guide for Students
[2] James, E.(2003). Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation, A Handbook for Students and Faculty, Fifth Edition, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.