
This project is modeled after the NASA sample return challenge and it includes perception, decision making and actuation. It is using Unity game engine.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Project: Search and Sample Return

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

Training / Calibration

  • Download the simulator and take data in "Training Mode"
  • Test out the functions in the Jupyter Notebook provided
  • Add functions to detect obstacles and samples of interest (golden rocks)
  • Fill in the process_image() function with the appropriate image processing steps (perspective transform, color threshold etc.) to get from raw images to a map. The output_image you create in this step should demonstrate that your mapping pipeline works.
  • Use moviepy to process the images in your saved dataset with the process_image() function. Include the video you produce as part of your submission.

Autonomous Navigation / Mapping

  • Fill in the perception_step() function within the perception.py script with the appropriate image processing functions to create a map and update Rover() data (similar to what you did with process_image() in the notebook).
  • Fill in the decision_step() function within the decision.py script with conditional statements that take into consideration the outputs of the perception_step() in deciding how to issue throttle, brake and steering commands.
  • Iterate on your perception and decision function until your rover does a reasonable (need to define metric) job of navigating and mapping.

Notebook Analysis

1. Run the functions provided in the notebook on test images (first with the test data provided, next on data you have recorded). Add/modify functions to allow for color selection of obstacles and rock samples.

1.Data collection.

Read in and display example grid and rock sample calibration images. Note: in this case it is not necessary to

2.Perspective Transform

it is using a function called perspect_transform(), this function takes as inputs an image, as well as source (src) and destination . It is returning two values: warped (image transformed) and a mask.

  • Define 4 source points, in this case, the 4 corners of a grid cell in the image above.
  • Define 4 destination points (must be listed in the same order as source points!).
  • warped = Use cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() to get M, the transform matrix.
  • mask = Use cv2.warpPerspective() to apply M and warp your image to a top-down view.
3.Color Thresholding

It is using the color_thresh() function. I modified this function in order to have a max and min threshold defined in rgb_thresh parameter. With the modification performed this function is useful to show the navigable terrain and the rocks. For navigable terrain: color_thresh(warped, ([160, 160, 160],[255,255,255])) and for the rocks: ([110,110,0],[240,210,50]))

The images processed are in RGB color model, in this case I performed an analysis on each color (Red, Green and Blue) for the appropriate thresholds.

The obstacles are only the rest of the values in found in the navigable terrain and it only applies to the mask (the area of interest obtained in the perspective transform) obstacle = np.absolute(np.float32(threshed)-1)*mask

4.Coordinate Transformations
  • rover_coords() is a function to convert from image coords to rover coords
  • to_polar_coords() is a function to convert to radial coords in rover space
  • rotate_pix() is a function to perform rotation
  • translate_pix() is a function to perform translation
  • pix_to_world() Is a function to map rover space pixels to world space using the previous rotation and translation functions.

2. Populate the process_image() function with the appropriate analysis steps to map pixels identifying navigable terrain, obstacles and rock samples into a worldmap. Run process_image() on your test data using the moviepy functions provided to create video output of your result.


It has most of the changes performed, this section used the previous steps and the main aspects to get it right are:

  • definition of source and destination points for perspective transform (I kept the same provided by Udacity)
  • Apply perspective transform
  • Define yaw, world_size and parameters. Most of this data comes from data = Databucket() and from Rover in the case of the file perception.py
  • Apply color threshold to identify navigable terrain/obstacles/rock samples, it was applied according with the explanation of the step 3.Color Thresholding, also. in some cases, the threshold wasn't good enought to return a valid value for terrain, then in the future it could be fixed with the following:
nav_pix = Rover.worldmap[:, :, 2] > 0  #if the current result is a valid terrain, then the obstacle has to be cleaned.
Rover.worldmap[nav_pix, 0] = 0 #it is cleaning the values on obstacles

Note: this also applies to perception.py and function perception_step(Rover). The file decision.py wasn't modified The order for the data captured will be: rock samples, terrain and obstacles.

  • Convert the rover-centric pixel values to world coords, it was performed with the Coordinate transform.

Autonomous Navigation and Mapping

Check the following video about result:


How to improve the result obtained:

  • The steps to collect the samples and return them to the starting point wasn't implemented,
  • for a better accuracy of the model, I could test with other color model like HSV
  • check the drive_rover.py for path planning, for instance it can get stuck on the rocks.