Pinned Repositories
Boilerplate code for the Basic Node and Express,
Boilerplate code for the MongoDB and Mongoose.
Este repositório é referente ao curso "Collection Framework API Java" e é uma valiosa contribuição para a comunidade de desenvolvedores Java, fornecendo exemplos práticos e recursos educacionais relacionados à poderosa API de coleções da linguagem Java.
Repositório do lab Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub da Digital Innovation One.
A React app capable of searching github profiles. This project was made with the intention of practicing React + TypeScript.
"Memórias de Nove Vidas" is an exploration and narrative game in which you control Misty, a cat who will go on an adventure in a world full of mysteries in search of her parents who mysteriously disappeared.
A microservices-based system designed to manage subscription-based mobile applications. This system ensures that only users with valid subscriptions can access applications, providing features for validating subscriptions, generating code and periodic checks to maintain the active status of apps.
A project to practice and learn some Next.js features.
A backend API made with SPRING BOOT capable of managing a store's sales and storage system. Project done as a team during the subject "Fundamentals of Software Development". Concepts such as Clean Architecture, SOLID, some Design Patterns and authentication were used.
An e-commerce website made with Next.js 14 capable of consuming "sales-system-api". Created with the intention of exploring some of the new features of Next.js, as well as exploring the use of authentication with NextAuth.js.
EricoBis's Repositories
A microservices-based system designed to manage subscription-based mobile applications. This system ensures that only users with valid subscriptions can access applications, providing features for validating subscriptions, generating code and periodic checks to maintain the active status of apps.
A backend API made with SPRING BOOT capable of managing a store's sales and storage system. Project done as a team during the subject "Fundamentals of Software Development". Concepts such as Clean Architecture, SOLID, some Design Patterns and authentication were used.
Boilerplate code for the Basic Node and Express,
Boilerplate code for the MongoDB and Mongoose.
Este repositório é referente ao curso "Collection Framework API Java" e é uma valiosa contribuição para a comunidade de desenvolvedores Java, fornecendo exemplos práticos e recursos educacionais relacionados à poderosa API de coleções da linguagem Java.
Repositório do lab Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub da Digital Innovation One.
A React app capable of searching github profiles. This project was made with the intention of practicing React + TypeScript.
"Memórias de Nove Vidas" is an exploration and narrative game in which you control Misty, a cat who will go on an adventure in a world full of mysteries in search of her parents who mysteriously disappeared.
A project to practice and learn some Next.js features.
A React app that consumes the "OMDb" movie API. It does a search and listing of movies, as well as providing a detail page for each one through page transitions with React Router.
An e-commerce website made with Next.js 14 capable of consuming "sales-system-api". Created with the intention of exploring some of the new features of Next.js, as well as exploring the use of authentication with NextAuth.js.
Este repositório contém o código-fonte do curso "Ganhando Produtividade com Stream API Java". O curso foi projetado para ajudar desenvolvedores Java a aproveitar ao máximo a poderosa Stream API introduzida no Java 8.
My first Spring Boot project, created with the intention of taking my first steps in the framework by testing some concepts.
Exercícios de C realizados na disciplina Programação de Baixo Nível
Queue simulator in Java to model the behavior of a queuing system with servers and limited capacity. It includes classes to represent in and out events, as well as a random number generator to simulate arrival and service times.
An e-commerce page made in React in order to practice concepts such as Components, Contexts and Styled Components.
A simple Node.js API to get basic user information like IP address, language, and browser software.
Trabalho da disciplina de Computação Gráfica sobre Diagrama de Voronoi em OpenGL. Foram implementados algorítmos para determinar a inclusão de pontos em polígonos, além de algorítmos auxiliares para demonstracões gráficas de suas funcionalidades.
A simple Node.js API that returns Unix timestamp and UTC time based on a given date.
Desafio de Projeto DIO - Modelagem e diagramação da representação em UML e Código no que se refere ao componente iPhone.