
Custom gazebo_ros_control simulation plugin that can add latency to communication between ros_control and gazebo

Primary LanguageC++


Custom gazebo_ros_control simulation plugin that can add latency to communication between ros_control and gazebo



Modification of the default_robot_hw_sim plugin to allow loading custom plugins that can add latency between ros_control and gazebo.


Simple example latency plugin using queues


I assume a catkin workspace is already set up, and gazebo_ros_pkgs is installed.

  1. Copy the two folders(robot_hw_sim_latency, latency_plugin_simple_queue) to your workspace
  2. Run catkin_make


  1. To configure gazebo_ros_control to load robot_hw_sim_latency plugin instead of the default, modify your robot's urdf:

Example: If using UR robots, change https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/blob/kinetic-devel/ur_description/urdf/common.gazebo.xacro

   <plugin name="ros_control" filename="libgazebo_ros_control.so">
  1. To configure robot_hw_sim_latency to load a custom latency plugin (like latency_plugin_simple_queue) instead of the default, set the /robot_hw_sim_latency/latency_plugin parameter on the Parameter Server.

Example using roslaunch:

  <rosparam param="/robot_hw_sim_latency/latency_plugin">latency_plugin_simple_queue/SimpleQueueLatencyPlugin</rosparam>
  1. To configure the length of queue in latency_plugin_simple_queue, set the /latency_plugin_simple_queue/queue_length parameter on the Parameter Server.

Example using roslaunch:

  <rosparam param="/latency_plugin_simple_queue/queue_length">10</rosparam>

Detailed working mechanism of the system

Working mechanism of the system

The working mechanism of the system is the following:

  1. The gazebo_ros_control update function fires
  2. it calls the readSim function; the call is executed in the RobotHWSimLatency plugin which implements the readSim function
  3. the states are read from the gazebo internals
  4. the delayStates function is called in the Simple queue latency plugin that saves the state messages in a buffer
  5. the previously stored and now delayed states are returned from the Simple queue latency plugin to the RobotHWSimLatency plugin
  6. readSim writes the joint_states to the JointStateInterface of the Harware Resource Interface Layer
  7. gazebo_ros_control calls the update function of the controler_manager
  8. the joint_trajectory_controller in the controller manager executes the calculation of the PID-controllers
  9. the joint_trajectory_controller writes the calculated velocity commands to the VelocityInterface of the Hardware Resource Interface Layer
  10. the gazebo_ros_control calls the writeSim function which is implemented in the RobotHWSimLatency plugin
  11. the writeSim function reads the joint commands from the VelocityInterface of the Hardware Resource Interface Layer
  12. the writeSim function calls the delayCommands function of the Simple queue latency plugin
  13. the previously stored and now delayed commands are returned from the Simple queue latency plugin to the RobotHWSimLatency plugin
  14. the writeSim function writes the joint commands to the gazebo internals
  15. Gazebo calculate the internal states of the simulation loop
  16. a new simulation loop is started by calling the update function of the gazebo_ros_control plugin

How to cite?

author = {G. Szabo and S. Racz and J. Peto and R. R. Aschoff},
title = {On The Effects of The Variations In Network Characteristics In Cyber Physical Systems},
journal = {In Proc., 31st European Simulation and Modelling Conference},
year = {2017},
month = {Oct.}
location = {Lisbon, Portugal}

Expected output

Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings Same trajectories with various latency settings