
This is a project in artificial neural network.

Primary LanguagePython



This is the final project in artificial neural network. We use bert and GAT to train a passage ranking model on MS Marco dataset.


We incorporated BERT, a potent model in providing context-based representation of words, as well as GAT, a novel GNN model, to obtain augmented entity embedding. We also add a local model for exact word match in order to enhance the model's ability confronting rare words.

Figure1. General Model

Figure2. Distributed Model

See Final Report.pdf for detailed description of our architecture.


Unfortunately, due to the limitation in time and facility, the final result haven't yet been acquired.

Work division

Yingzhuo Qian: proposed model;chose dataset; preprocessesd MS Marco data and completed entity recognition; implemented data loader for model; implemented KNRM and integrated all 3 models; composed train and eval scripts and conducted experiments; collaborated in writing project proposal, milestone report and final report.

Yibo Shen: implemented local model and GAT; preprocessed OpenKE entity embeddings into graph structure; resized entity graph for the need of cutting memory expenses; collaborated in writing project proposal, milestone report and final report.