Pantry Pals - GDSC Solution Challenge 2021

This repository houses the source code of Pantry Pals, an app that strives to connect food pantries and individual patrons with those most in need of food. The core functionalities are:

  1. View nearby food pantries using a map or list interface
  2. View nearby food requests to fulfill as a patron (must be authenticated)
  3. Create food requests for patrons to fulfill (must be authenticated)

Demo Video

Pantry Pals Demo Video

How to run Pantry Pals


Make sure to complete the following steps before running this project:

  1. Download node.js (we used v14.16.0)
  2. Download Expo CLI (we used 4.3.2)

Running the app

  1. Open a new terminal session

  2. Clone this repository: git clone

  3. Enter the repository: cd PantrySolutionChallenge2021

  4. Enter the React Native folder: cd PantryReactNative

  5. Install dependencies: npm i

  6. Run the app using Expo: expo start

  7. Open the app on your device by either:

    a) scanning the QR code provided by Expo with your iOS or Android device

    b) using an Android or iOS Emulator

Built With

  • React Native - iOS/Android Cross-Platform Framework
  • Expo - SDK and workflow
  • Firebase - User authentication, NoSQL Database, and more
