Edit the following two files InfoPlist.strings Localizable.strings
brew install mogenerator
gem install cocoapods -v $(var=$(tail -1 Podfile.lock); echo ${var##COCOAPODS:})
gem install cupertino shenzhen sbconstants
gem install specific_install
gem specific_install -l https://github.com/tonyxiao/xcres.git
pod install
Open S10.xcworkspace
and start developing
Follow raywenderlich's swift style guide
Except we'll leave 4 spaces instead of two space for indentation.
By default project should be building with dev configuration. To change, use explicity xcconfig
ipa build --xcconfig Configs/[Dev|Beta|Prod].xcconfig
export CRASHLYTICS_API_KEY=4cdb005d0ddfebc8865c0a768de9b43c993e9113
export CRASHLYTICS_BUILD_SECRET=83001519164842a323e4d70c5970b041c248835fec59db59b409f5b364e47f72
export CRASHLYTICS_FRAMEWORK_PATH=Pods/CrashlyticsFramework/Crashlytics.framework
ipa distribute:crashlytics -f Taylr.ipa -g team
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out newfile.crt.pem -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out newfile.key.pem -nocerts -nodes
After that you have:
certificate in newfile.crt.pem private key in newfile.key.pem
openssl x509 -inform der -in scripts/certs/apns_prod-com.milasya.Taylr.beta.cer -out betaapns.pem
curl -X POST https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/s10tv/s10-ios/605/ssh?circle-token=xxxxxx
find the token at https://circleci.com/account/api