
application web de gestion de commandes et de stock ainsi la gestion des demandes des employés

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodes Storage Manager

Nodes Storage Manager is a web application mainly for stock and order management, it allows to:

  • Manage products
  • Manage product categories
  • Manage stock movements
  • Manage suppliers
  • Manage customers
  • Manage employees
  • Manage directions
  • Manage user accounts and their roles
  • Manage purchasing operations:
    • Manage ordinary purchase invoices
    • Manage purchase credit invoices
    • Track the payment of purchase invoices
    • Consult stock alerts:
      • Overstock alerts
      • Out of stock alerts
  • Manage tenders
  • Manage sales operations:
    • Manage ordinary sales invoices
    • Manage sales credit invoices
    • Track the payment of sales invoices
  • Consult the dashboard



Start the project

  1. Clone the project :
 git clone https://github.com/Erij-Maherzia-BEN-BRAHIM/gestion-de-stock-et-de-commandes.git
  1. Install dependencies: Open the backend and the client directory and install the dependencies :
cd backend
$ npm install
cd client
$ npm install
  1. Create an account in Cloudinary
  2. From the backend directory, you need to rename the .env.example file by .env and replace CLOUD_NAME, CLOUD_KEY , CLOUD_KEY_SECRET by your Cloudinary account data.
  3. From the backend directory, run the server :
$ nodemon
  1. From the client directory enter :
$ npm start
  1. To have access to the application, you can use these credentials to test the admin interface:

email: admin@test.com
password: azerty


You need to have an account in Cloudinary and you need also to have installed Node.Js (v16.13.0.) and Git .

  "engines": {
    "node": ">=0.13.0 <16",
    "react": ">=0.2.0 <18",
    "react-router-dom": ">=0.3.0 <6"