
A sinatra script to unlock charger for my colleagues

Primary LanguageRuby


A sinatra script to unlock charger for colleagues.

What it does

If you access the panel with your webbrowser you can push an "Open port" button to open the charge port on the Tesla Model S or X. It will require a password, you can configure users in the config.json.example

How to use

How to get in running:

  • Use a Linux or other system that runs ruby, with a public ip or port forward
  • For debian or ubuntu, install ruby. E.g. apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
  • gem install bundler
  • bundle
  • gem install rerun
  • cp config.json{.example,}
  • rerun 'ruby teslaweb.rb'
  • To make it start at boot, add to /etc/rc.local the following: (replace erik with your username)
cd ~erik/TeslaWeb
sudo -u erik rerun ruby TeslaWeb.rb 


This is just a simple script. Most of the work is done by others. Makes use of the gem and Tesla API documentation by Tim Dorr. See https://github.com/timdorr/model-s-api for more info.