
Error message instead of the list of connections

PeterAdam opened this issue · 7 comments

There is a red highlighted text in the SQLite/SQL Server Compact Toolbox after starting Visual Studio 2017 Community.
It says Due to high risk of deadlock you cannot call GetService from a background thread in an AsyncPackage derived class. You should ...

Right click -> add connections from solution makes all my connections to appear, not just from the current solution (including SSCE connections)

Steps to reproduce

Start VS 2017 Community.

Further technical details

Toolbox/Power Tools version: (found in About dialog - blue questionmark icon): Version 4.8.743.0 - more than 900 000 downloads

Database engine: (SQlite, SQL Compact or SQL Server): SQLite

SQL Server Compact 4.0 in GAC - Yes - 4.0.8482.1
SQL Server Compact 4.0 DbProvider - Yes
SQL Server Compact 4.0 Simple DDEX provider - Yes
SQL Server Compact 3.5 in GAC - Yes - 3.5.8080.0
SQL Server Compact 3.5 DbProvider - Yes
Sync Framework 2.1 SqlCe 3.5 provider - No
SQLite ADO.NET Provider used: 3.31.1
SQLite EF6 DbProvider in GAC - Yes
System.Data.SQLite DDEX provider - No
SQLite Simple DDEX provider - Yes

Visual Studio or SSMS version: (e.g. Visual Studio 2017 15.3, SSMS 17.3): 2017 Community 15.9.47

Are you able to try VS 2022 Community?

I have installed it to a VS 2022 Community on a W11 Insider Preview, the message is the same Edit: Installed from inside VS, not the "daily" build.
Képernyőkép 2022-04-21 221009

It is not the same message.

Your SQL Compact install is broken- please remove and re-install.

You can also just remove it.

But Toolbox breaks if you have a broken SQL CE install.

I have installed SQLCE 4.0 but found out the problem was the missing 64 bit SQLCE 3.5 SP2:
Képernyőkép 2022-04-23 165836

I don't know what installed the 32 bit SQLCE 3.5 SP2.

To answer the question, yes, the toolbox is working without error message on VS 2022 CE. I will try to open databases with it.
