
A development environment

Primary LanguageShell

Base box

This is a base vagrant box with a puppet provisioner. The stack used is documented at docs/technology_stack.md.

Setting up the base box

Using the base box requires installing two packages on the host machine: VirtualBox and Vagrant. Both are free. On a Mac, the easiest way to install both is via Homebrew and homebrew-cask. See the technology_stack.md document to find out what versions of software are known to be compatible.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier --plugin-version 1.2.0
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest --plugin-version 0.10.0
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-puppet --plugin-version 0.9.0

Remove any existing vagrant boxes.

vagrant destroy

Refresh the base box if desired. This shouldn't really be necessary.

vagrant box remove <box name>

Using the base box

Bring up the box -- this will take a while the first time to both download and provision the box. A password may be necessary for the host to enable folder syncing.

vagrant up

Copy a version of any necessary ssh keys to the web VM. Be sure not to commit your ssh keys to the repository.

mkdir temp
cp -R ~/.ssh/{config,github,heroku} temp/.

Enter the virtual development environment on the web server.

vagrant ssh

Move any ssh keys necessary (to connect to a github repository for example) to ~/.ssh on web VM. Be sure not to commit your ssh keys to any public repository.

mv temp/{config,github,heroku} ~/.ssh/.

If you will be committing from the VM, be sure to set your name and email for commit messages, and keep git from being chatty (substitute your data).

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.name@example.com"
git config --global push.default simple

Enable ssh-agent if you have added ssh keys.

eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add ~/.ssh/**/*id_rsa

When done, exit the virtual environment and vagrant halt to stop the virtual machine. Use vagrant destroy to reclaim the disk space (although this will require you to re-provision the machine again later). vagrant remove should be used to remove the base box from the system as well. vagrant up and vagrant ssh web to start another development session later.


Lint scripts

Linting of the puppet scripts can be done via puppet-lint with:

./scripts/manage.sh lint

This will lint manifests and local_modules.

Puppet scripts

Puppet script validation can be performed with:

./scripts/manage.sh pvalidate

Puppet provisioning can be applied with:

sudo ./scripts/manage.sh papply

The environment can be tested with:

sudo ./scripts/manage.sh test