A library for visualizing data trees with multiple parents, such as family trees. Built on top of D3.
- 0
Allow child of single mother/father
#155 opened by Omri93h - 14
Parents of spouses
#78 opened by curtisdelicata - 1
Missing types file
#138 opened by lschierer - 0
How to set default width and height each node?
#154 opened by jaffyyyy - 5
How to use dTree in ReactJS?
#108 opened by nishanttomar21 - 1
- 0
How to add interactive zoom in / zoom out / center
#152 opened by yaba101 - 0
Declutter graph with optional flag that selects whether node appears at left, or at right
#151 opened by GreatAlfredini - 0
EsLint error
#150 opened by mohammedabubakar8950 - 1
Add Parent, chilld or reload tree when data change
#146 opened by quan1997ap - 2
Reference error _ is not defined.
#144 opened by mohankoppuravuri - 0
Brother and sisters without parents
#148 opened by aesislabs - 2
Onclicking the node change its class
#147 opened by mpsbhat - 5
Complete basic example somewhere?
#145 opened by gerases - 0
Has Anybody use sql to store and retrieve Tree data from database ?
#143 opened by siddhesh-vartak98 - 3
[REQUEST] dotted line for divorced marriage
#128 opened by sihendri - 3
How can I decrease height of mariagge 2nd line
#130 opened by dungla2011 - 2
Can we Add Image of person in the Node?
#142 opened by siddhesh-vartak98 - 2
Can we add image ?
#141 opened by siddhesh-vartak98 - 1
Support hover events
#139 opened by SDVII - 3
Why am i getting d3 is not defined error?
#111 opened by satyajitcet - 0
left-right tree?
#137 opened by Llaves - 2
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'transform') - dTree with React
#134 opened by NathanGavenski - 0
How to use in angular
#135 opened by albertthinc - 2
#127 opened by zuhairabs - 0
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'value' property from 'SVGLength': Could not resolve relative length.
#129 opened by meganathan-codenatives - 0
Make the graph responsive
#126 opened by mkushe - 1
How to set horizontal and vertical scroll bars instead of click and drag ?
#124 opened by meganathan-codenatives - 1
Update Request
#125 opened by dorton21 - 1
How to add children without a marrige?
#123 opened by jacim3 - 0
Integration with React JS?
#122 opened by faseehjaved - 1
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Customizable links/paths between nodes
#80 opened by aroraank - 0
How to keep last zoom, and position of svg
#116 opened by dungla2011 - 1
how to handle touch events
#115 opened by mle-moni - 2
Tree with siblings instead of Spouses
#76 opened by caffeinecodes - 5
How to add parent of a node?
#89 opened by kensplanet - 3
Broken SVG in Vue
#104 opened by overboy20 - 2
First Cousin Marriage issue
#107 opened by colorado76 - 0
Height and Width of box
#105 opened by free-might-bobger - 1
Apply apply depth offset
#101 opened by dangvanthanh - 2
Radial tree
#79 opened by serber - 2
How do I use dTree with npm?
#88 opened by migmacdev - 2
How to reload the graph with new data?
#86 opened by rajkumar0143 - 1
How to get custom id of the data when clicked?
#85 opened by FingersKey - 1
Using dtree from Wordpress/PHP
#84 opened by tulip12345 - 2
Make all node the same maximal height
#83 opened by jpdaut - 4
How do I display images in nodes?
#82 opened by jpdaut - 3
Safari rendering issue.
#81 opened by saqibomer - 1
How to add marriage as parameter on nodeClick
#77 opened by taufan20