
Goodboys Awesome Entity Component based HTML5 game engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

ODIE concepts

Odie is a game engine that mixes the good bits of entity components systems with the flexability of javascript. Fundamentally it relies on a few key building blocks that pretty much anything can be built with.

Entity A game element. As a loose rule it does do much on its own. Components can be added to it that give it functionality. Rather than using inheritance a entity can be composed of many components.

Components A component is should be used to add logic and functionality to you entity. Generally a component should have a fairly focused task. In ODIE every component will have functions called on it automatically as when attached to an entity depending on its life cycle. generally it goes:

init() // called when the Entity is retreived from the pool addedToScene() // called when the entity is aded to the game start() // called the first time an entity is updated in the game update() // called each tick render() // called each render removedFromScene() // whan the entity is removed from the game reset() // when returned to the pool

Game A single game element, this is what manages the entities and game systems. Game logic is contained in systems.

System Systems are great for managing many entities or broader parts of your game. They have the same structure as components. Music systems, Collision System etc

Here is some example entitie:

class Player extends Entity

        this.add(Movement) // add a movment component
        .add(Contoller) // add a controller component
        .add(Health) // add a health component
        .add(View) // add a view component

class Enemy extends Entity

        this.add(Movement) // add a movment component
        .add(AI) // add a AI component
        .add(Health) // add a health component
        .add(View) // add a view component

example components

class Health extends Component
    constructor(entity, data)
        super(entity, data);
        this.life = data.life || 100;


        if(this.life < 0)

class Movment extends Component
    constructor(entity, data)
        super(entity, data);
        this.xSpeed = 0;
        this.ySpeed = 0;

        this.entity.position.x += this.xSpeed;
        this.entity.positionx += this.ySpeed;

System example:

class CollisonSystem extends System
    constructor(entity, data)
        super(entity, data);

        this.entities = [];



        const index = this.entities.indexOf(entity);

        this.entities.splice(index, 1);


To use them and add them to a game:

const game = new Game();

const player = new Player();
const enemy = new Enemy();


What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
  • Configuration
  • Dependencies
  • Database configuration
  • How to run tests
  • Deployment instructions

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact