
My attempt at solving Advent of Code Challenges using Go

Primary LanguageGo

Advent of Code - using Go

My attempt at solving Advent of Code Challenges using Go.


Pre Requisite: If you want to be able to fetch your input on demand, you need to have your session cookie from the AoC website in a file: $REPO/cookie. It is, however, possible to just put your input in: $REPO/$year/data/$day and the script will not bother downloading new input.

The easiest way to run a solution is by using: go run $year/$day/main.go, but it is also possible to use: go build $year/$day/main.go && ./main to run the binary.


If you want to run the tests, you use: go test $year/$day/*.go.


Solutions to all 2020 Puzzles. Some of the solutions are quite nice (like the Shunting-Yard solution to Day 18, and the Game Boy solution to Day 8). Other solutions are absolutely horrible (golden bags are for instance not a favorite).


I used some of the 2019 challenges to get familiar with the how Go wants you to structure your projects. Thereafter I wrote the ./util/ package which I thought could come in handy for the 2020 challenges. I might get bored during 2021, and return to this repository and solve some of the older puzzles too, so I'll leave this here.