
Load items exported using lastpass-export into Bitwarden.


This script will load items exported from LastPass using lastpass-export into a Bitwarden vault using the Bitwarden CLI.


To execute this script, run the following commands once the dependencies are installed:

# login, unlock, and sync Bitwarden vault
$ bw login
$ export BW_SESSION
$ bw sync

# list possible options and help
$ load.sh -h

# load encrypted LastPass items in /tmp/lpass directory into Bitwarden
$ load.sh -d -p passphrase.txt /tmp/lpass


  • base64 - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • basename - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • bw - Bitwarden CLI; install using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • cat - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • cut - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • echo - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • find - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • gdate - install via coreutils using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • gpg - optional; GNU Privacy Guard; install using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • grep - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • gstat - install via coreutils using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • jq - install using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • mktemp - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • openssl - optional; OpenSSL; older version pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions; install newer version using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually
  • realpath - install via coreutils using Homebrew, another package manager, or manually.
  • sed - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • tr - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.
  • xargs - pre-installed with macOS and most Linux distributions.

Platform Support

This script was tested on macOS Monterey (12.6) using GNU Bash 5.2.15, but should work on any GNU/Linux system that supports the dependencies above.

Style Guide

This script follows the Shell Style Guide.


  • Allow organization per folder.
  • Trim passwords, usernames, entry names, etc.?
  • Process: "Start Date", "Expiration", "Expiration Date"?
  • Handle multiple notes values with same key.