__No__tify Me __N__ow
AKA The Program for my Computer Science IA
Acts as a hub for online statuses. It grabs them from their respective APIs and shows them in a graphical interface.
Python 2.7
- Steam
- Skype
- League of Legends
- Slack + Hipchat
- Guild Wars 2
- Python default library
- Tkinter (Graphics Library)
- json (JSON parsing library)
- os (Give OS tools)
- time (Tools to get info on current time)
- PIP libraries
- requests (HTTP requests Library)
- Other libraries (link)
- N/A
I'm not actually sure
- League: Can't get friends list, worked around by finding players that a user often plays with, and determines if the are in a gmae or played recently
- get_data_from_ids(api_key, steam_ids)
- Function
- """Gets the full dictionary of multiple users"""
- get_persona_from_id(api_key, steam_id)
- Function
- """Returns the username of a steam user from his steamid"""
- get_status_from_id(api_key, steam_id)
- Function
- """Returns the status of a steam user from his steamid"""
- def get_status_from_data(data)
- Function
- """Returns the status of a steam user given the user data dictionary"""
- get_all_friend_statuses(api_key, steam_id)
- Function
- """Returns the statuses of all a steam users's (steam_id) friend"""
- get_friends_from_id(api_key, summoner_id)
- Function
- """Determine the friends of a user by looking at recent games, then returns the friends data"""
- get_id_from_name(api_key, summoner_name)
- Function
- """Gets the summoner id form the summoner name"""
- get_friends_from_file(file_path)
- Function
- """Gets a list of friends from a file"""
- get_data_from_id(api_key, friend_list)
- Function
- """Get the summoner data from a list of friend ids"""
- test_for_current_game(api_key, summoner_id)
- Function
- """Returns a string that is the current status of a user"""
- test_for_recent_game(api_key, summoner_id)
- Function
- """Returns a string that is the current status of a user"""
- get_all_friend_statuses(api_key, summoner_id)
- Function
- """Returns the statuses of all a league of legends user's friends"""
- get_auth_key(service_name, file_path):
- Function
- """Get the Auth key of a certain API from a file"""
- AppWindow(tk.Frame)
- Class
- OptionWindow()
- Class
- AppManager()
- Class
steam_id = "76561198041498934" summoner_id = "36402541"