
Relearn the operations of the git and github


What does the word "again" mean?

I learnt git/github a year ago and created the repository named "learngit", but I can remember little about the operations of git/github now, so I create the learning repository again to be familiar with the operations of git and github again. After all, git is currently the most advanced distributed version control system of the world. By the way, although I registered my GitHub account as early as last year, this is the first project I maintain seriously:sweat_smile:.

What's inclued?

The content of this project is mainly in the "learn-git.txt" file, and I also prepared a Markdown file for you to read conveniently. This file contains some of the most commonly used operations of Git & GitHub and problems I met when I was learning. And if you find something wrong in the content, please submit a pull request and I will certainly process it as soon as possible:smiley:.


This project mainly refers to the course of Mr.Liao Xuefeng. And here is a link to his website.