
dotfiles for my first archlinux rice, aperture science style

Aperture OS

This repository will contain the configuration files, the wallpaper and other miscelaneous things that'll allow you to rice your distro like mine.


How to install

Assuming you're on Linux, and assuming you have brain cells, copy each config into the corresponding file. Example: cat compton.conf > ~/.config/compton.conf

Remember to make backups in case of problems.

Neofetch Custom ASCII

To use the custom ascii file aperture.txt do the following:

neofetch --ascii aperture.txt


  • OS: ArchLinux
  • WM: i3-gaps
  • Bar: polybar
  • Terminal: termite
  • Compositor: compton
  • Font: Verdana
  • Audio: alsa
  • Launcher: rofi
  • Screenshot Utility: maim
  • System Info Gen: neofetch


I didn't remove all commands from my packages inside the configs. You might be missing some packages. Make backups! The i3 config contains a shortcut (Mod1+Shift+P) to take a screenshot with maim

For any missing files, open an issue :D