
simple buff163 parcer that gathers items you need into csv file

Primary LanguagePython

Before using parcer do this:
	Downloads needed:
		py -m pip install selenium
		py -m pip install CurrencyConverter
		py -m pip install PyQt6
		run code in VS Code to see the errors (to see what version of chromedrive do you need)
		download that version of chromedrive that chrome version do you use
		You need to check your version of google chrome browser. After checking download chromedriver
		exactly what version of chrome browser you have installed, otherwise it will not work.
		Download from: https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/
	auto py to exe:
		download it from github
		additional files -> add folder (C:\Users\epicm\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages\currency_converter)

Need to do to run parcer:
	1) open cmd and write:
		cd C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application
		(it is path to installed google chrome in your pc)
	2) then:
		chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=8989 --user-data-dir="E:\working-folder\buff163-parcer-2\AutomationProfile"
		(change path to yours, where is your downloaded folder,
		for ex.: "D:\work\buff163-parcer-2\" and + name of folder which will be created(name you choose yourself))
	3) in opened browser login buff163
	4) now you can run parcer.py (parcer.exe)