
R client for the lightning-viz server API http://lightning-viz.org/

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


R client for the lightning-viz server API http://lightning-viz.org/


To use this package you have to setup your own lightning server. The package by itself will not create/display any visualisations. Instructions on how to deploy your own lightning server are available at http://lightning-viz.org/documentation/#server

From this repository

Clone the repository and build your package using RStudio, or download the newest binary:


Then run command

install.packages(<path to file>, repos = NULL)

From Cran

Run command



create visualization

To create your first visualisation, you need to create an object of a Lightning class, installed with this package.

vizserver <- Lightning$new("http://my-lightning.herokuapp.com/")

Then you need to create your first session on the server.


After that you are free to create your first visualisation! Lets start with a simple line plot:


open last (or chosen) visualization:

You can open created visualization with


enable/disable auto opening of created visualizations (disabled by default):

Your visualizations can be automatically opened in your browser. You can enable/disable that option with functions:




parameters in [] brackets are optional
createsession([sessionname])    -   creates a new lightning session
usesession(sessionid)           -   sets current session to session with given id
sethost(serveraddress)          -   sets new server address
enableautoopening()             -   enables auto opening of created plots
disableautoopening()            -   disables auto opening of created plots


line(series, ...)

Creates a line visualization for vector/matrix with each row representing a line, given in series}

Alt text

line(series, [index, color, label, size, xaxis, yaxis, logScaleX, logScaleY])
Parameters: series  - vector or matrix of data for plot, each row of the matrix is plotted as another line. If lines are of different size, put NaN in empty fields
            index     - vector specyfying x-axis of the plot
            color     - vector of RGB values for each line
            label     - vector of labels for lines, sets color according to label
            size      - vector of line thickness values
            xaxis     - label for xaxis
            yaxis     - label for yaxis
            logScaleX - logical, sets X axis to logarythmic scale
            logScaleY - logical, sets Y axis to logarythmic scale

scatter(x, y, ...)

Creates a scatterplot for points with coordinates given in vectors x and y. Alt text

scatter(x, y, [color, label, size, alpha, xaxis, yaxis])
Parameters: x     - vector of x coordinates for points
            y     - vector of y coordinates for points
            color - vector of RGB values for each point
            label - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size  - vector of point size values
            alpha - vector of opacity values for each point
            xaxis - label for xaxis
            yaxis - label for yaxis

linestacked(series, ...)

Creates a plot of multiple lines given in matrix series, with an ability to hide and show every one of them. Alt text

linestacked(series, [color, label, size])
Parameters: series  - matrix of data for lines, where each row represents a single line
            color   - vector of RGB values for each line
            label   - vector of labels for lines, sets color according to label
            size    - vector of line thickness values

force(matrix, ...)

Creates a force plot for matrix given in matrix. Alt text

force(matrix, [color, label, size])
Parameters: matrix  - connectivity matrix, binary or weighted
            color   - vector of RGB values for each point
            label   - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size    - vector of point size values

graph(x, y, matrix, ...)

Creates a graph of points with coordinates given in x and y vectors, with connection given in matrix connectivity matrix. Alt text

graph(x, y, matrix, [color, label, size])
Parameters: x       - vector of x coordinates for points
            y       - vector of y coordinates for points
            matrix  - connectivity matrix, binary or weighted
            color   - vector of RGB values for each point
            label   - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size    - vector of point size values

graphbundled(x, y, matrix, ...)

Creates a bundled graph of points with coordinates given in x and y vectors, with connection given in matrix connectivity matrix. Lines on this graph are stacked a bit more than in the graph function. Alt text

graphbundled(x, y, matrix, [color, label, size])
Parameters: x       - vector of x coordinates for points
            y       - vector of x coordinates for points
            matrix  - connectivity matrix, binary or weighted
            color   - vector of RGB values for each point
            label   - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size    - vector of point size values

map(regions, weights, colormap)

Creates a world (or USA) map, marking regions given as a vector of abbreviations (3-char for countries, 2-char for states) in regions with weights given in weights vector and with colormap color (string from colorbrewer). Alt text

map(regions, weights, colormap)
Parameters: regions   - vector or region abbreviations (3-chars for countries, 2-chars for states in USA)
            weights   - vector of weights for each region
            colormap  - colorbrewer string for type of map coloring

matrix(matrix, colormap)

Creates a visualization of matrix given in matrix parameter, with its contents used as weights for the colormap given in colormap (string from colorbrewer). Alt text

matrix(matrix, colormap)
Parameters: matrix    - matrix to visualise as a heat map
            colormap  - colorbrewer string for type of map coloring

adjacency(matrix, ...)

Creates a visualization for adjacency matrix given in matrix parameter. Alt text

adjacency(matrix, [label])
Parameters: matrix  - adjacency matrix data
            label   - labels for each pixel


scatterline(x, y, t, ...)

Creates a scatterplot for coordinates in vectors x and y and assignes a line plot to every point on that plot. Each line is given as a row in t matrix. Alt text

scatterline(x, y, t, [color, label, size])
Parameters: x     - vector of x coordinates for points
            y     - vector of y coordinates for points
            t     - matrix of of line data, each row represents a line for given point / label
            color - vector of RGB values for each point
            label - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size  - vector of point size values


scatter3(x, y, z, ...)

Creates a 3D scatterplot for coordinates given in vectors x, y and z. Alt text

scatter3(x, y, z, [color, label, size, alpha])
Parameters: x     - vector of x coordinates for points
            y     - vector of y coordinates for points
            z     - vector of z coordinates for points
            color - vector of RGB values for each point
            label - vector of labels for points, sets color according to label
            size  - vector of point size values
            alpha - vector of opacity values for each point