
Simple plugin to toggle a floating terminal window with customizable starting program

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Simple neovim plugin to toggle a floating terminal window with customizable starting program

Screenshot 1

⚙️ Features

  • ~0ms load time
  • <100 lines of Lua
  • simple to setup and customize

This plugin exposes to the user only one function:

  • toggle("optional: process_name") - opens (toggles) terminal window with given process (opens bash by default)

📦 Installation

{ "Ernest1338/termplug.nvim" }
use "Ernest1338/termplug.nvim"

🚀 Usage

Firstly, call the setup function with optional config (see configuration options below):


In your init.lua, set the mapping to toggle a terminal window:

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "t" }, "<A-i>", "<cmd> Term <CR>")

If you want to toggle different process, eg. lazygit use:

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "t" }, "<C-g>", "<cmd> Term lazygit <CR>")

🔧 Configuration

There is only one configuration option: size.

It controlls how big will be the popup window. Takes values from 0.0 to 1.0 (defaults to 0.9).

Set the size value to 1 for a full screen terminal popup.

{ "Ernest1338/termplug.nvim", config = { size = 0.5 } },
use {
    config = function()
        require("termplug").setup{ size = 0.5 }
    require("termplug").setup({ size = 0.5 })

⚡ Requirements

  • Neovim >= v0.7.0

❔ Why

Because I wanted a simple plugin to toggle a popup terminal window with a mapping and every existing terminal plugins seem over complicated.

Combined with the ability to choose which process to execute, this plugin became not only a terminal plugin but it can also toggle a popup window with any TUI application of your choosing.

For simplicity, it supports toggling only one of each process (one bash, one lazygit, ...) at a time.