
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Download script for Human Connectome Project (HCP-1200 release) data

This is a script to download the HCP-1200 subjects release. For more information on the Human Connectome Project, see their website. The script is based on a script to download the enhanced NKI data.

It's definitely suboptimal (as in: it's not very flexible), so in case someone wants to make it better, feel free :-)

Using the script

The script runs in python 2.7 and requires the following dependencies:

  • pandas
  • boto3
  • shutil
  • tarfile

HCP S3 credentials

To use this script, you need to create HCP credentials. You'll need to accept the terms of data usage as well. You can do so by following (the beginning of) this tutorial: https://wiki.humanconnectome.org/display/PublicData/How+To+Connect+to+Connectome+Data+via+AWS).

Once you have generated your credentials, create or append the following to ~/.aws/credentials:


(of course you need to replace XXXXXXX with your credentials ;-) )


The python runs for each subject separate, and requires the subject code as input (see utils/subjects.txt for all subject codes):

python download_HCP_1200.py --subject=996782 --out_dir=/data/output/

Select modalities / data

In an ugly but working attempt to only download a part of the data, you can comment out parts of line 15-22.

Create tarballs

You probably won't need this, but because the cluster I'm using (Stanford's sherlock) has a limit on the number of files per user, and the HCP data has a HUGE amount of files, I've put in an extra argument tartasks that will make tarballs with the coregistered and processed task data for each task. For example:

python download_HCP_1200.py --subject=996782 --out_dir=/data/output/ --tartasks

Use on SLURM scheduler

I mostly run my jobs in array jobs on a cluster. This sets an environment variable $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID (an integer). The script utils/get_subject.py will grab that integer and transform it into a subject code. This setup is not required to run this script, but it makes it definitely easier :-)

For example, I would run this command:

sbatch --array=0-1119 download_HCP_1200.sh

This is going to launch 1120 jobs (1 for each subject), where download_HCP_1200.sh could be:

#SBATCH --job-name=HCP_download
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00

module load system
module load py-scipystack/1.0_py27

SUBJECT=$(python utils/get_subject.py 2>&1)

python download_HCP_1200.py --subject=$SUBJECT --out_dir=/data/output/ --tartasks