
Browse photos from Flickr based on the location selection

Primary LanguageSwift


Pixel City allow users to browse photos from Flickr based on the location they selected on the map.
Tapping any of the downloaded photos will display the image in fullscreen.
3D Touch is also available for photo previewing.


  • Used CoreLocation to manage authorization status of accessing user location.
  • Used MapKit to display user location, set region and add annotation on map.
  • Used UICollectionView to display images in sections and cells.
  • Used UIViewControllerPreviewing to allow 3D Touch peeking and commiting on images.
  • Used UITapGestureRecognizer for dropping annotation on map, selecting photo to display and dismissing view controller.
  • Used UISwipeGestureRecognizer for dismissing the collection view.


Used Alamofire and AlamofireImage to download the image information in JSON format from Flickr.
