Overlay - Package Management
- Using this overlay for various personal repos.
- Importing those repos into this overlay.
- For personal repos, using central overlay to depend on other personal repos.
- Pinning system with niv or flakes.
- Bot on each private repo to update pin of the central overlay everytime there is a commit to the central overlay.
- A commit that effects the output path of the derivations of the private repos!
- Presumably a lot of the commits wont affect it.
- possibility that can get stuck in a loop:
- A depends on B
- B depends on A
- A is updated
- TRIGGERED: B updates the overlay
- TRIGGERED: A updates the overlay
- but actually, it should trigger?
- the only thing that gets updated is the pin?
- something something
- the only thing that gets updated is the pin?
- but actually, it should trigger?
- Then also CI pipeline for seeing if derivations build
- Then separate repos for deployment declaration
Overlay - Dev Swizzling
Overlay - Machine Config Management
Overlay - Deployment Management
Overlay - CI Management
Overlay - Test Management
Overlay - Eco System Management
Tests and Visualisations for this package set/ repository:
- Visualise the tree structure of the exports.
- Scaffolding which allows for:
- definition of tests
- execution of tests and subset of tests