Merge PFPX nav database into existing PMDG navdata.

Primary LanguagePython


If you have a PFPX nav database containing additional data to a PMDG nav database, this script makes it possible to merge these extra navdata into a new PMDG nav database.
In detail, additional waypoints, airports, navaids and airways are merged, whereas additional SID/STARs are not because SID/STARs in PFPX database are made up of bare waypoints, without altitude and speed constraints required for PMDG.

How To Use

  • In the directory containing our .py files, create three directories named PFPX, PMDG and merged. Place your PFPX and PMDG navdata files inside PFPX and PMDG, which should contain the following files.

  • Run pfpx_navdata_decode.py, which decodes the PFPX nav database into PFPX/decoded.nav.
  • Run merge.py, which merges navdata and puts them in directory merged.
  • That's Done.