
Back End files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

F I R E (Backend)


Scrum Master: Andrés Ortiz Montalvo

Project Team: Billy Kaufman | Andrés Ortiz Montalvo | Ernestine Moreno

Project Overview: Fullstack application being developed for educational purposes, using the MERN stack and in conjunction with Create-React-App.

Project Description

Fire is a portal used primarily as a reference for educational and informational purposes of cannabis strains and their utilities. Through an intuitive interface, users are invited to explore a curated database of popular strains.

Project Deployment

This project is deployed on Heroku and uses Mongo Atlas.

Technologies used

  • Mongo Atlas
  • Express
  • Mongo DB

Getting Started / Installation Instructions

  • Fork and Clone this repository
  • Change into directory and create a new branch to contribute to this project
  • Run npm install and then npm start
  • The project should open up in your browser

Contribution Guidelines

  • Create a new branch
  • Make contributions
  • Push changes to GitHub
  • Create a Pull Request on the original project

Special thanks

  • Eric Atwell for constant guidance and advice though-out the project.