Passport Demo


Because this app uses GitHub logins, set up your app in GitHub:

  1. Go to Account Settings
  2. Select Developer settings from the sidebar
  3. Then click on OAuth Apps and then on Register new application
  4. Enter Application Name and Homepage URL
  5. For Authorization Callback URL: http://localhost:[PORT]/auth/github/callback
  6. Click Register application
  7. Copy and paste Client ID and Client Secret keys into .env file

(instruction credits)

# Do this separate in both /client and /server folders
npm install
npm run dev

Table Schemas


Column Type Modifiers
id integer unsigned primary
github_id integer not null
avatar_url string not null
username string not null
updated_at timestamp default to now


Column Type Modifiers
id integer unsigned primary
user_id int unsigned FK from user
title string not null
content text not null
updated_at timestamp default to now

Server Endpoints

Endpoint URL Action Description
/auth/github GET WebApp calls this to start the GitHub login process
/auth/github/callback GET The "auth callback URL" value from your app page on, ALSO inside /server/.env
/auth/profile GET Used by React app to get profile. GitHub auth required; checks req.user for login
/auth/logout GET Used by React app directly. Call passport's logout, ends session, and redirects to React
/auth/success-callback GET A "sanity check" only used when we test GitHub server, in /server/.env
/api/v1/posts/ GET Gets all posts. Adds isCurrentUser if the user is logged in (via session)
/api/v1/posts/ POST Create a new post, requires GitHub login

The Workflow

  • USER clicks on the link to a URL hosted on the SERVER.(1)
  • The SERVER redirects the user to a link to the PROVIDER. (2)
  • USER accepts the permission
  • PROVIDER redirects to a callback URL on the SERVER
  • SERVER will authenticate using passport. If all goes well, we'll get the provider's info of the user.
  • the SERVER will map that provider info to a user on the database, or create a new user.
  • If all goes well SERVER then redirects to the CLIENT's home page or a failure page depending on the circumstances.

(1) This is different from what we have usually done; up until now, any URL we've it on the server has returned JSON. That's why there's no /api in front of it. (2) This is the modal box where they ask the user if they agree.




Other implementations