MAMDR: A Model Agnostic Learning Method for Multi-Domain Recommendation

Primary LanguagePython

MAMDR: A Model Agnostic Learning Method for Multi-Domain Recommendation


  • RTX 2080 + 64G RAM
  • python: 3.6
  • Ubuntu 20.04

Data Preprocess

Amazon dataset

Enter dataset/Amazon

raw dataset at:https://nijianmo.github.io/amazon/index.html#complete-data

  1. change the split rule in config_*.json.
  2. run split.py --config config_*.json. It will automatically download and split the domains.

Taobao dataset

Enter dataset/Taobao

  1. download dataset
  2. unzip the dataset into raw_data
    1. theme_click_log.csv
    2. theme_item_pool.csv
    3. user_item_purchase_log.csv
    4. item_embedding.csv
    5. user_embedding.csv
  3. change the dataset config in config_*.json. theme_num = -1 denotes using all domains.
  4. run split.py --config config_*.json to create dataset.

Preprocessed dataset

You can download the datasets and extract the folders into dataset/Amazon and dataset/Taobao, respectively.

Run experiments

Run baselines

  • change model name in config.json
python3 run.py --config config/Taobao-10/deepctr.json

Run Domain Negotiation

python3 run.py --config config/Taobao-10/deepctr_DN.json


python3 run.py --config config/Taobao-10/deepctr_DN+DR.json

Config Description

Model Name:


Base model:

single domain: mlp, wdl, nfm, autoint, deepfm

multi tasks: shared_bottom, mmoe, ple

multi domain: star


default: joint learning
separate: separatly train for each domain
finetune: finetune after joint training
meta: training using MAML
reptile: reptile meta learning
mldg: MLDG
uncertainty_weight: weighted loss
pcgrad: pcgrad        
domain_negotiation: domain negotiation meta learning
mamdr: DN + DR       
batch: using batch for meta learning


  • MLP + Joint:mlp
  • DeepFM + Joint: deepfm
  • MLP + Joint + Finetune:mlp_finetune
  • MLP + MAML:mlp_meta_finetune
  • MLP + DN: mlp_meta_domain_negotiation_finetune_
  • MLP + DN + DR : mlp_meta_mamdr_finetune

You can find more examples in config/.

Config example

  "model": {
    "name": "mlp_meta_mamdr_finetune", // model name
    "norm": "none", // noarmalization method for star: none, bn, pn
    "dense": "dense", // dense for star: dense, star
    "auxiliary_net": false,
    "user_dim": 128,
    "item_dim": 128,
    "domain_dim": 128,
    "auxiliary_dim": 128,
    "hidden_dim": [ // hidden sizes for hidden layers
    "dropout": 0.5
  "train": {
    "load_pretrain_emb": true, // whether load pretrain embding, only support for Taobao
    "emb_trainable": false, // whether train embedding
    "epoch": 99999,
    "learning_rate": 0.001, // inner learning rate
    "meta_learning_rate": 0.1, // outer learning rate
    "domain_meta_learning_rate": 0.1, // Not used
    "merged_method": "plus", 
    "sample_num": 5, // sample number for DR
    "add_query_domain": true,
    "finetune_every_epoch": false,
    "shuffle_sequence": true, // whether shuffle the domain sequence
    "meta_sequence": "random",
    "target_domain": -1, // disabled
    "domain_regulation_step": 0, // disabled
    "meta_train_step": 0, // disabled
    "meta_finetune_step": 0, // disabled
    "meta_split": "train-train", // how to split the query and support set for meta-learning: train-train, meta-train/val, meta-train/val-no-exclusive
    "meta_split_ratio": 0.8,
    "average_meta_grad": "none",
    "meta_parms": [
    "result_save_path": "result",
    "checkpoint_path": "checkpoint",
    "loss": "binary_crossentropy",
    "optimizer": "adam",
    "patience": 3,
    "val_every_step": 1,
    "histogram_freq": 0,
    "shuffle_buff_size": 10000
  "dataset": {
    "name": "Taobao",
    "dataset_path": "dataset/Taobao",
    "domain_split_path": "split_by_theme_10",
    "batch_size": 1024,
    "shuffle_buffer_size": 10000,
    "num_parallel_reads": 8,
    "seed": 123