My solutions to Kattis problems I have solved.
#Solved Problems
- 10KindsOfPeople (TenKindsOfPeople)
- 2048 (TwentyFortyEight)
- 4Thought (FourThought)
- A1Paper
- Aaah
- ACM2
- AlienNumbers
- AlmostPerfect
- AlphabetSpam
- AnotherCandies
- Apaxiaaans
- AReal
- ArmyStrengthEasy
- ArmyStrengthHard
- Artichoke
- ASCIIFigureRotation
- Babelfish
- BachetsGame
- Backspace
- BaconEggsAndSpam
- Bank
- BasicInterpreter
- BeatSpread
- Beavergnaw
- Bela
- BestCompression
- Bijele
- Billiard
- Bing
- Bishops
- BitByBit
- BlackFriday
- BlockCrusher
- BookingARoom
- BottledUp
- BoundingRobots
- BreakingBad
- Bus
- BusNumbers
- BusySchedule
- Cake
- CantinaOfBabel
- Carrots
- Cats
- CD
- Cetvrta
- ChartingProgress
- CheckingForCorrectness
- ChemistsVows
- Chess
- Chewbacca
- Chopin
- Classy
- ClosingTheLoop
- Coast
- Cokolada
- Cold
- Commercials
- Communication
- CompoundWords
- Compromise
- Conundrum
- CountingStars
- CurseTheDarkness
- Deathstar
- Debugging
- DetailedDifferences
- DiceGame
- Different
- DifferentDistances
- Dominant
- Dominoes2
- Doorman
- Downtime
- Dungeon
- DVDs
- Easiest
- EightQueens
- Eksplozija
- Eligibility
- Emergency
- EncodedMessage
- EngineeringEnglish
- Erase
- ErdosNumbers
- EscapePlan
- Esej
- Estate
- EstimatingTheAreaOfACircle
- Everywhere
- Excursion
- FalseSecurity
- FerryLoading4
- Fire2
- Flexible
- FlowLayout
- FlyingSafely
- ForestFires
- Friday
- FunctionalFun
- FunHouse
- GetToWork
- GoblinGardenGuards [C++ Solution]
- Gold
- Goldbach2
- GolombRulers
- Grille
- GrowlingGears
- Guess
- GuessTheDataStructure
- HalfACookie
- Han
- HappyPrime
- HayPoints
- Height
- Heliocentric
- Hello
- Help2
- Herman
- Hidden
- HidingPlaces
- HittingTargets
- HumanCannonball
- iBoard
- ImageDecoding
- Incognito
- IncreasingSubsequence
- IntegerLists
- Jabuke
- Jackpot
- Judging
- JuryJeopardy
- JustAMinute
- Karte
- Kemija08
- KInARow
- Kolone
- Kornislav
- Kratki
- Ladder
- LawnMower
- Lexicography
- LineUp
- ListGame
- Logo
- Loowater
- Mancala
- MapTiles2
- Marko
- Matrix
- MazeMakers
- Measurement
- MetaProgramming
- MinimumScalar
- Misa
- MixedFractions
- Modulo
- MoneyMatters
- Mosquito
- Multigram
- MusicYourWay
- Names
- NameThatPermutation
- NotAmused
- NPuzzle
- NumberTree
- Oddities
- OddManOut
- Okvir
- Parking
- Parking2
- ParsingHex
- PathTracing
- Passengers
- PaulEigon
- PebbleSolitare
- Peg
- Peragrams
- Perica
- Perket
- PermutedArithmeticSequence
- PervasiveHeartMonitor
- Pet
- PhoneList
- Pivot
- Pizza2
- PizzaHawaii
- PlantingTrees
- Playground
- PolyMul1
- Pop
- Pot
- PrintingCosts
- Prsteni
- Ptice
- Pubs
- Putovanje
- Queens
- QuickBrownFox
- QuiteAProblem
- RaceDay
- RaggedRight
- RationalArithmetic
- Recipes
- ReverseBinary
- ReverseRot
- Rijeci
- RockPaperScissors
- RollCall
- RunningMoM
- Satisfiability
- SavingDaylight
- SavingUniverse
- SecretMessage
- SecureDoors
- SelectGroup
- Server
- ShortestPath1
- SidewaysSorting
- Simon
- SimonSays
- SimpleAddition
- Skener
- SlidingTiles
- SmartPhone
- SnapperEasy
- SnapperHard
- Snowflakes
- SortOfSorting
- Spavanac
- SpeedLimit
- Squawk
- Statistics
- Subway
- Subway2
- SumOfTheOthers
- SurveillanceSquared
- SymmetricOrder
- SynchronizingLists
- T9Spelling
- Tajna
- Temperature
- TextEncryption
- TextureAnalysis
- TheBackslashProblem
- ThinkingOfANumber
- TimeBomb
- Toilet
- Torn2Pieces
- TouchscreenKeyboard
- TourDeFrance
- Towering
- TrainPassengers
- Tri
- Trik
- Trilemma
- Tutorial
- UnionFind
- Vacuumba
- Vauvau
- Veci
- VisuAlgo
- Volim
- Vote
- Walkway
- Walls
- WalrusWeights
- WeakVertices
- WelcomeEasy
- WelcomeHard
- WhatDoesTheFoxSay
- WheresMyInternet
- WordsForNumbers
- Yoda
- Zamka
- Zanzibar
- Artur
- Banjo
- BuildDeps
- ChopWood
- CookieSelection
- CountCircuits
- Fibonacci
- Infiltration2
- KitchenCombinatorics
- MusicCollection
- Oop
- Rafting
- RobertHood
- Ski
- Stacking
- TwoKnights
- UxuhulVoting