A Math Functions Plotter
Here i will describe the grammar I'm using to analyse and compile and math function expression.
- f : Function - E : Expression - T : Term - F : Factor - NUM : A number (0-9) - WORD : A word, generaly the variable x or a math function like sin cos ... - $ : Stands for end of line or string
f → E E → T | -T | T + T | T - T T → F | F * F | F / F F → NUM | WORD(E) | (E)
- A function is an Expression followed by the end of string. - An Expression is either a Term or a Negative Term Or Sum/Substrction of 2 Terms - A Term is either a Factor or Multiplication/Division of 2 Factors - A Factor might be a Number or a math function such as cos, sin ... followed by open paranthesis and an Expression then a close paranthesis, or an Expression between two parantheses.