I make python scripts to automate things. One of the python scripts makes bat files that invokes my python scripts. This allows my to treat my python scripts as command line commands, provided the bat files are on the system path. This is really convenient and cool. I was largely inspired by this website: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ .
attempt at using pyautogui lib to play a platformer for me
makes .bat hooks in the MyScripts folder from the python files in the PythonScripts folder
goes to google maps based on arguments or contents of clipboard
creates a newscript with given name and opens up VSCode on it
goes to osrs wiki page for contents of clipboard
opens a duckduckgo search tab for the contents of clipboard
displays sales from stores of interest
ecc & ecv:
stand for email-control-c and email-control-v
as per ordinary copy and paste they either copy from or paste to (and send) a copy subject email using the information in mainmail.json
this is because I often want to quickly transfer some information from one computer to another
stands for 'social'. opens the links specified in socList.json. a template is provided.
stands for 'symbol'. helps with copying familiar symbols to clipboard.