
MiLight iBox2 Controller interface with Python by using UDP socket

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python3 MiLight iBox2 Control

Python3 interface for the following Milight iBox2 Controller which can be used offline without an internet connection:

AP+STA mode

Official Milight products: https://www.milight.com/

iBox2 limitations:

  • This Python package and iBox2 must be executed on the same network.
  • Max 4-zones.
  • No password protection.
  • Plain UDP Ethernet communication.
  • HTTP only, no SSL connection

Note: Milight iBox2 product has been renamed to Milight WiFi Box. It is unclear if these products are fully compatible with each other. Please let me know by creating an issue or pull-request.


The project can be installed als package. It is recommended to create a virtualenv first:

# Create virtual environment. Make sure virtualenv is installed.
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

# Install this project as package
$ python3 setup.py install


Full example code: examples/ibox2_client_example.py


import milight_ibox2

# Create ibox2 object
ibox2 = milight_ibox2.MilightIBox(ibox_ip="", ibox_port=5987, 
                                  sock_timeout=2, tx_retries=5, verbose=False)

# Scan devices
found_devices = ibox2.scan()
print('Found iBox2 devices:')
for device in found_devices:
    print('  {}:{} ({})'.format(device['ip'], device['port'], device['mac']))

# Make sure to add a delay between the send commands
for device in found_devices:
    # Connect
    ibox2.connect(ibox_ip=device['ip'], ibox_port=device['port'])

    # Set lamp type for next commands:
    #   ibox2.BRIDGE_TYPE = 0x00
    #   ibox2.WALLWASHER_TYPE = 0x07
    #   ibox2.RGBWW_TYPE = 0x08  # Default lamp type for RGB/WW/CCT
    # Or specify a different lamp type number (0..255).
    ibox2._lamp_type = ibox2.RGBWW_TYPE

    # Set zone (zone 0=all, 1..4) for next commands
    ibox2.zone = 1
    # Each send function can optionally specify zone and lamp_type with function arguments
    #   zone=0, lamp_type=ibox2.BRIDGE_TYPE

    # Link/unlink light zone 1..4

    # Send light on
    ibox2.light(on=True, zone=1)

    # Send light off
    ibox2.light(on=False, zone=1)

    # Send white on

    # Send brightness 0..255

    # Send raw 8-bit RGB color 0..255, or color name:
    #   ibox2.RGB_LIGHT_PURPLE,
    #   ibox2.RGB_PURPLE,
    #   ibox2.RGB_RED,
    #   ibox2.RGB_ORANGE,
    #   ibox2.RGB_YELLOW,
    #   ibox2.RGB_LIGHT_GREEN,
    #   ibox2.RGB_GREEN,
    #   ibox2.RGB_LIGHT_BLUE,
    #   ibox2.RGB_BLUE

    # Send color temperature 2700K..6500K

    # Send light mode 1..9

    # Send nightlight

    # Disconnect

Run tests

Each manual test asks confirmation from the user if the light responded correctly.

# Start virtualenv first
$ source venv/bin/activate

# Run tests
$ python3 tests/test_milight_ibox2.py

Milight iBox v6 protocol

1. Send scan broadcast command UDP port 5987 and wait for replies from all devices 
2. Send start session packet to iBox IP at UDP port 5987
3. Get session ID1 and ID2 from response packet
4. Send light command to iBox

Detect all iBox2 devices: Send broadcast IP, port 5987 and 41 Bytes payload: 
      |   0..5  |  6..7  |   8   | 9..40 |
 TX:  +---------+--------+-------+-------+

    COMMAND:  9 Bytes:  13 00 00 00 24 03 
    RANDOM:   2 Bytes:  XX XX
    FIXED:    1 Byte:   02 
    ASCII:   32 Bytes:  39 38 35 62 31 35 37 62     985b157b
                        66 36 66 63 34 33 33 36     f6fc4336
                        38 61 36 33 34 36 37 65     8a63467e
                        61 33 62 31 39 64 30 64     a3b19d0d

Detect single iBox2 device: Send broadcast IP, port 5987 and 15 Bytes payload: 
      |   0..5  |  6..7  |   8   | 9..14 |
 TX:  +---------+--------+-------+-------+
      | COMMAND | RANDOM | FIXED |  MAC  |

    COMMAND:  9 Bytes:  13 00 00 00 0A 03 
    RANDOM:   2 Bytes:  XX XX
    FIXED:    1 Byte:   11
    MAC:      6 Bytes:  F0 FE 6B XX XX XX

    Note: The TX RANDOM field changes on every power-cycle or restarting Android app.

Each iBox2 replies on a device scan command on UDP port 5987 and 69 Bytes payload:
      |   0..5   | 6..11 |  12..48  | 49..50 |   51..68  |
 RX:  +----------+-------+----------+--------+-----------+

 RX from iBox2:
    RESPONSE:  6 Bytes:  18 00 00 00 40 02
    MAC:       6 Bytes:  F0 FE 6B XX XX XX
    UNKNOWN1: 37 Bytes:  00 20
                         39 38 35 62 31 35 37 62     985b157b
                         66 36 66 63 34 33 33 36     f6fc4336
                         38 61 36 33 34 36 37 65     8a63467e
                         61 33 62 31 39 64 30 64     a3b19d0d
                         01 00 01
    PORT:      2 Bytes:  17 63                       5987 (decimal)
    UNKONWN2: 18 Bytes:  00 00 05 00 09 78 6C 69
                         6E 6B 5F 64 65 76 07 5B
                         CD 15
Send start session command to iBox2 IP, UDP port 5987 to retrieve session ID1 and ID2.
(TX 22 Bytes, RX 22 Bytes):
      |     0..21     |
 TX:  +---------------+

      |     0..6     |  7..12   | 13..18  | 19..19 | 20..20 | 21..21 |
 RX:  +--------------+----------+---------+--------+--------+--------+
      | RESP_SESSION | IBOX_MAC | UNKNOWN |  ID1   |  ID2   |   00   |

   START_SESSION: 22 Bytes:
                  20 00 00 00 16 02 62 3A D5 ED A3 01 AE 08 2D 46 61 41 A7 F6 DC AF D3 E6 00 00 1E
    RESP_SESSION:  7 Bytes:  28 00 00 00 11 00 02
    IBOX_MAC:      6 Bytes:  MAC address of the iBox
    UNKNOWN:       6 Bytes:  Undocumented, unused
    ID1:           1 Byte:   Session ID1
    ID2:           1 Byte:   Session ID2
    00:            1 Byte:   Always 0x00

Send command  (TX 22 Bytes, RX 8 Bytes):
      |  0..4   |  5..5  |  6..6  |  7..7  |  8..8  |  9..9  | 10..18 | 19..19 | 20..20 | 21..21 |
 TX:  +---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
      |START_CMD|  ID1   |  ID2   |   00   |  SEQ   |   00   |  CMD   |  ZONE  |   00   |  CSUM  |

      |  0..5   |  6..6  |  7..7  |
 RX:  +---------+--------+--------+
      |RESP_CMD |  SEQ   |   00   |

     START_CMD:     5 Bytes:  80 00 00 00 11
     ID1:           1 Byte:   Session ID1
     ID2:           1 Byte:   Session ID2
     00:            1 Byte:   Always 0x00
     SEQ:           1 Byte:   Sequence number
     00:            1 Byte:   Always 0x00
     CMD:           9 Bytes:  Command
                              1 Byte:  31  Start
                              2 Bytes: 00  Password (Not used, always 0x00)
                              1 Byte:  08 for RGBW/WW/CW (default) or 00 for bridge lamp
                              5 Bytes: LIGHT_COMMAND
     ZONE:          1 Byte:   Zone number 1..4, 0=All
     00:            1 Byte:   Always 0x00
     CSUM:          1 Byte:   Checksum is the sum of the CMD and ZONE bytes.

     RESP_CMD:      6 Bytes:  88 00 00 00 03 00
     SEQ:           1 Byte:   Sequence
     00:            1 Byte:   Always 0x00

     04 01 00 00 00   Light ON
     04 02 00 00 00   Light OFF
     04 05 00 00 00   Night light ON
     05 64 00 00 00   White light ON (Color RGB OFF)
     01 CO CO CO CO   RGB_COLOR   (CO values 0x00..0xFF)
     02 SS 00 00 00   SATURATION (SS values 0x00..0x64)
     03 BN 00 00 00   BRIGHTNESS (BN values 0x00..0x64)
     05 CT 00 00 00   COLOR_TEMPERATURE (CT values 0x00..0x64)
     06 MO 00 00 00   Mode number (MO values 0x01..0x09)
     04 04 00 00 00   Mode speed decrease
     04 03 00 00 00   Mode speed increase
     00 00 00 00 00   Link (Sync Bulb within 3 seconds after lightbulb main power on)
     00 00 00 00 00   UnLink (Clear Bulb within 3 seconds after lightbulb main power on)

     10 = Red
     15 = Orange
     30 = Yellow
     60 = Green
     B0 = Blue
     F0 = Magenta

     00 = 0%
     19 = 25%
     32 = 50%
     4B = 75%
     64 = 100%

     00 = 2700K  ~2700K (Warm White)
     08 = 3004K  ~3000K
     15 = 3498K  ~3500K
     22 = 3992K  ~4000K
     30 = 4524K  ~4500K
     3D = 5018K  ~5000K
     4A = 5512K  ~5500K
     57 = 6006K  ~6000K
     64 = 6500K  ~6500K (Cool White)

iBox2 WiFi configuration

Factory reset

To enter AP mode factory reset:

  • Connect USB power to the iBox2.
  • Hold down RST for 5 seconds, fast blink Link and SYS LED's for 2 seconds, then SYS LED blinks.


  • Press RST once short enters Smart Link Mode and is not used.
  • An iBox2 factory reset keeps synced lights, it resets WiFi configuration only, such as AP mode, password etc.

Connect iBox2 to WiFi AP (manual configuration)

  • Connect from smartphone/tablet/laptop/RaspberryPi WiFi to iBox WiFi Milight3.0-XXXXXX:

AP+STA mode

AP+STA mode

  • Click STA | Scan | Select you WiFi AP | OK | Enter WiFi password | Save | Restart:

AP+STA mode

  • Click Account and enter a new iBox2 password:

AP+STA mode

  • Keep default Other Settings:

AP+STA mode

  • Click Work Mode: STA mode | Save | Restart. (This disables iBox2 external WiFi access)
  • Now the iBox2 can be accessed from internal network: http://admin:admin@<IP or hostname>

Mi-Light 3.0 Android App

  • Connect to WiFi with internet.
  • Open Android App store and search/install Mi-Light 3.0.
  • Click Searching for device and select Mi-Light device.
  • Now the App is ready to use.

Android MiLight 3.0 Screenshot

Important notes:

The timer functionality in Mi-Light 3.0 Android app 2018 is broken and will never work. The iBox2 has no RTC.

The Mi-Light 3.0 Android app 2018 asks for a wide range of unnecessary permissions:

  • Block: Location
  • Block: Telephone status and ID
  • Block: Pictures/media/files/directories
  • Block: Storage
  • Block: Camera
  • Block: Information about device ID and conversations
  • Required: WiFi access

There is no good reason to allow access to all privacy information above. The developer did not respond on customer complains, see app reviews.

Security warning:

The internal iBox2 interface chip contains a standard WiFi to serial adapter HF-LPB100 and stores the WiFi password in plain text HTTP connection. SSL is not supported. When the default password / AP+STA mode is set, an attacker can login and click STA Settings | check: Show passwords.

API changes

Functions v1 Functions v2
- scan
send_light_on light(on=True)
send_light_on light_on
send_light_off light_off
send_night_light_on night
send_white_light_on white
send_rgb_color color_raw
send_saturation saturation
send_brightness brightness
send_color_temperature temperature
send_mode mode
send_mode_speed_decrease mode_speed_decrease
send_mode_speed_increase mode_speed_increase
send_link link
send_unlink unlink
Properties v1 Properties v2
- zone
- light_type