
🎮 A payment gateway for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game servers.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

sweetpayments logo

SweetPayments is a payment gateway targeted for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game servers. It allows server owners to monetize their servers by selling premium subscriptions to players. Game server integration is performed via a sourcemod plugin that server owners download through the dashboard¹.

Each subscription can be customized (duration, sourcemod flags, etc) and can be purchased by players at an online shop accessible by an URL like shop_name.sweetpayments.com

Features Paypal payments and Steam authentication.

Built with Laravel 5.8 and Bootstrap 4.

¹ You can view the source code for the sourcemod plugin in the /storage/plugin/ folder of this repository.




Example Webshop



  • PHP 7.1+
  • Composer


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run composer install.
  3. Rename .env.example to .env
  4. Run php artisan key:generate
  5. Open .env and fill the following entries:
  • DB_CONNECTION (Enter your database managment system here: mysql, pgsql, etc)
  • STEAM_API_KEY (Insert your steam API key, you can it from here)
  • ADMIN_STEAMID64 (Insert your SteamID64; you can find yours using a service like steamid.io/lookup)
  1. Create database tables: php artisan migrate:refresh
  2. Start development server: php artisan serve
  3. Access project at localhost:8000


⚠️ This project is not complete (although it is pretty close to being so) and was never meant to be made public. No support will be provided and there will be no further development from my end.

This project is being released under the MIT license meaning you can use it for commercial purposes.

What is not implemented:

  • Administrator dashboard
  • Client ticket support
  • Paysafecard integration


SweetPayments is not meant to be self-hosted by clients. The business plan I had in mind was taking a cut in each payment processed and providing the infrastructure needed (akin to a SaaS model).