
app for finding songs later to be added to a playlist where they will be playable

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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An app for finding songs later to be added to a playlist where they will be playable

Contribution guidelines

Kindly follow contributing.md, if you want to lend a hand in making this project better.

Build Setup


  • NodeJS

  • npm

  • Mongodb

    • The database used in the app is MongoDB, so it must be configured on you local machine. Follow the guide if you dont have MongoDB installed
  1. Make Directory
mkdir project
cd project
  1. Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/lugnitdgp/PlayPal.git
  1. Change directory
cd PlayPal
  1. Start MongoDB
sudo service mongod start
  1. Check Status
sudo service mongod status
  1. Launch App by
node app.js

App hosted at
