Dependencies The code file references the following external libraries and modules:
TorchSharp: A .NET wrapper library for deep learning with PyTorch.
OpenCvSharp: An open-source computer vision library that provides image processing and computer vision algorithms.
YamlDotNet: A .NET library for parsing and serializing YAML files.
Newtonsoft.Json: A .NET library for serialization and deserialization of JSON data.
YoloV8.Gpu: A deep learning model library for object detection based on the YoloV8 architecture with GPU acceleration.
We would like to express our gratitude to the developers and contributors of the above-mentioned external libraries and modules. Their code provides important functionality and support to this project.
引用仓库 该代码文件引用了以下外部库和模块: TorchSharp: 一个用于深度学习的PyTorch封装库。
OpenCvSharp: 一个开源的计算机视觉库,提供了图像处理和计算机视觉算法的功能。
YamlDotNet: 一个用于解析和序列化YAML文件的.NET库。
Newtonsoft.Json: 一个用于JSON数据的序列化和反序列化的.NET库。
YoloV8.Gpu: 一个用于目标检测的深度学习模型库,基于YoloV8架构,并支持GPU加速。