OpenHeimer is the (unofficial) open source version of the Copenheimer project. It scans all the IPv4 addresses in order to find Minecraft servers exposed to the internet. The original version is currently closed-source and not available to anyone else, that's why this version exists.
🚀 Capable of scanning up to 16,000 IP addresses per second, finishing everything in just 3 days! 🚀
In order to use the current version of openheimer, you must compile from source.
- git (or download the tarball/zip)
- go
In your terminal,
$ # Not necessary with tarball/zip
$ git clone
$ cd openheimer
$ go build
You should now have an executable in the same directory.
Run openheimer -help
to see a list of commands
Usage of ./openheimer:
-database string
The database to store the results in (default "openheimer.db")
-ipFile string
The file to extract IP addresses from
-logFile string
The file to store the logs in (default "openheimer.log")
-maxPingWorkers int
The maximum amount of workers to ping IPs (default 4000)
-maxScanWorkers int
The maximum amount of workers to scan IPs (default 1000)
-startingIP string
The IP address to start scanning from (default "")
-timeout int
The amount of seconds to wait before timing out (default 5)
Display everything that's happening
Display the current version of OpenHeimer
Note: maxPingWorkers
are the amount of workers to use to check for open ports. maxScanWorkers
are the amount of workers to use to check if an IP has a valid Minecraft server. Normally you would increase maxPingWorkers
to ping IP addresses faster, but when you're scanning IP addresses from a file (produced by masscan for example), you should increase maxScanWorkers
If you would like to modify or use this repository (including its code) in your own project, please be sure to credit!