
A disposible chatroom is a virtual room where you can chat, share your thoughts, send images and can have fun. It is created using clorabase chatroom API

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Disposable chatroom ~ Use-n-throw chating library

The disposable chatroom is a library from which you can build a fully anonymous virtual room where your friends or random person can join to talk. Talking about privacy doesn't make sense since the room is disposable However, this more depends on the app made using this library.


The project has been discontinued due to the changes in heroku free tear



Add it to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
	 implementation 'com.github.ErrorxCode:disposible-chatroom:v1.0'


Add the repository:


Add the dependency:



The usage is so simple. Just create a room and the rest of the members will join it.

Creating room

try {
    Chatroom room = Chatroom.create("test-room","rahil");
} catch (Exception e) {
    e.printStackTrace();  // room name or user name already exists.

This will create a room with the name test-room and yourself in it with the name rahil. Now other members can join it using Chatroom.join() method. The room will be automatically closed when there is no member in it.

Joining room

try {
    Chatroom room = Chatroom.join("test-room", "user1");
} catch (Exception e) {
    e.printStackTrace();  // No such room, or user already exists

This way, others can join the room created with test-room name. The room creator does not need to join the room since it will automatically be joined when the room is opened.

Note : Sometime, creating or joining room may take long (upto 10 seconds)

Listening events

room.addMessageListener(new ChatRoomEventListener() {
    public void onMessage(String from, String message) {
        // someone has sent a new message
    public void onImage(String from, String image) {
       // someone has shared a image
    public void onLeave(String user) {
      // someone left the room
    public void onJoin(String user) {
      // someone join the room

Sending messages

room.broadcastMessage("Hello, world!");
room.sendPM("user2", "Hello, user2! Here is a Top secret for you");
room.reply("How are you?", "I'm fine, thanks!");

sendPM sends the message privately to the user. This means that it will not be visibled to others.

The reply() method's has a message body convection. It send's a message in the following formate :-

username: [REPLY:message_to_reply] : your_reply

The developer should impliment a custom reply GUI mechanism using this convection.

Admin functions


Note : To perform any of the operation (except ping), you must be the creator of the room (also know as admin).

That's sit

That's all for the library, now its time to impliment thin in your app and build awesome apps. If you liked my hard work, you can support me by giving this repo a star.

Wan't to build your own library for another langunge ? Check out Clorabase chatroom API.